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witness: When you seen the suspect vandalizing someones property did it look like a form of guilt while the suspect was doing this crime or did it look like a form of art the suspect was spraying like there was no other place to spray it on than to spray and vandilize someones property? suspect: Why would you do an crime like this kowing that its a crime? Why didnt you think about the possibilities of getting in trouble before you took Action? ROYALLE PALMER 2008'

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Q: What are some good questions to ask the suspect and a witness in court for vandilism?
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The guideline for expert witness testimony at the Court is 'Testifying in Court: Guidelines and Maxims for the Expert Witness'. Stanley L. Brodsky is the author of this book.

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The attorney wants to find out what the witness knows. He might ask what they saw, what time it happened and other stuff. He needs the information to decide whether the witness is good or whether it would be a waste of time to use the witness. If he called a witness to the stand and the witness didn't have any information, didn't see or hear anything - it would waste time in court.

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Can a recoeding hold in court if suspect was unawre of being recorded.

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Yes, The judge can issue a bench warrant for your arrest. The court can deal with you as a hostile witness but still make you testify. If you are frightened that you will be harmed if you testify you should write to the judge and explain this. Otherwise no matter how personally distressing it may be for you , it is your duty as a citizen to truthfully answer under oath questions put to you in court. NOTE in court you are not asked to make a statement (as you would be by the police) you are asked to answer QUESTIONS put to you.

Where can you find Evidence Code 765 regarding child custody in California?

In the statutes765. (a) The court shall exercise reasonable control over the mode of interrogation of a witness so as to make interrogation as rapid, as distinct, and as effective for the ascertainment of the truth, as may be, and to protect the witness from undue harassment or embarrassment.(b) With a witness under the age of 14 or a dependent person with a substantial cognitive impairment, the court shall take special care to protect him or her from undue harassment or embarrassment, and to restrict the unnecessary repetition of questions. The court shall also take special care to ensure that questions are stated in a form which is appropriate to the age or cognitive level of the witness. The court may, in the interests of justice, on objection by a party, forbid the asking of a question which is in a form that is not reasonably likely to be understood by a person of the age or cognitive level of the witness.