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Some good remedies for colic in babies are anti-gas drops, anti-reflux medicines, herbal tea, infant massage and warm bath. Homeopathic drops for colic can also be used in some cases.

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Q: What are some good remedies for colic in babies?
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How can you tell when a baby has colic?

these darlings that have colic will let you know by their constant crying, colicky babies have tummy cramps all the time so they are in pain. Grype water is a good remedy for that, also your pediatrician may prescribe something else. Baby colic is expressed by the baby through intense crying as a result of pain caused by trapped gas in the intestines. The baby may like to be carried to help relieve gas. Some babies also try to arch their backs and cry inconsolably for hours. Most colic pain is relieved by homeopathic remedies, massage and burping.

Why is your infant so colic?

Some babies seem to suffer from colic more than others regardless of whether they are bottle or breastfed. There are many studies trying to understand colic, but there appears to be no specific answer to this issue.

When will your baby grow out of gas?

If your baby has a lot of gas, they may have colic. Some babies are just gassy, and will be gassy no matter what.

Where can one find some anxiety remedies?

There are a couple of online websites that lists some anxiety remedies, The best website to check would be Health How Stuff Works. They have a couple of good remedies.

Do all babies get colic?

no, some babies are just more succeptable than others, they mostly outgrow it by 3 months, however, your doctor could better advise you, in beween time Gripe water is available at most drug stores and is a godsend for collicy babies.

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There are some good home remedies for yellow teeth, such as using lemon acid, hydrogen peroxide or wood ash. Also strawberries and baking soda methods.

What are some good natural remedies for anxiety?

There are many good natural and alternative remedies for anxiety. One could simply exercise as physical activity is a natural stress reliever. There are also many different types of herbs such as passionflower or kava that are effective remedies.

What are some good home remedies for stress and anxiety?

Good home remedies for stress and anxiety is always good to remember. If you are stressed out try aroma therapy, with scents like lavender, mint or tea tree oil.

What are some good tips for an upset stomach?

Peppermint, licorice, horehound are natural remedies.

What are some good home remedies for a bloated belly?

There are a variety of good home remedies floating around the internet that deal with a bloated stomach. One of the most popular is lemon juice and warm water.

What is colic caused by?

It's not known. However many mother that breastfeed claim that the foods they eat affects whether the baby has colic or not. Because an infant's tummy does not yet know how to digest food correctly it could be a very painful process for them. Some foods are harder to digest then others so it could sometimes cause colic in baby.

What is the treatment for colic in horses?

The treatment for colic depends on the cause. Some cases of colic will resolve with minimal care, such as removal of food and the administration of medication for pain, while others require surgery.