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Some shampoos that claim they are good for color treated hair may not be. A person answering this question would have to have color treated hair to give a recommendation. Your best bet is to speak to your hairstylist.

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Q: What are some good shampoos to use to wash color treated hair?
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What shampoos to use on color treated hair?

You should use sulfate-free shampoos on color treated hair.

Which shampoo is the best to use?

It depends entirely on the specifics of your hair. There are certain shampoos that are better for color treated hair, oily hair, damaged hair, etc.

How can I correct the green hair that resulted from our well water on blond color treated hair?

You can use a clarifying treatment. You need to remove the chlorine from your hair. They sell shampoos for swimmers.

Is Kerastase Reflection only effective on color-treated hair?

No. Kerastase is a product that is used in very high end shampoos and conditioners. These products usually cost as much as salon shampoos and conditioners.

Color treated hair?

Color treated hair can be damaged easily. Color treated hair can break easily as well. Color treated hair should be conditioned on a regular basis.

What is kerastase hair?

"Kerastase Hair is a hair-care product line in Paris that sells shampoos and hair products for all hair types, from dry and brittle hair to color-treated hair. Kerastase Hair even contains products for men."

What makes strong shampoo remove from the hair and scalp making it dry and easily damaged?

sulfides in shampoos will strip the natural oils to make your hair dry, frizzy and damaged especially color treated hair.

Is Alterna conditioner good for color treated hair?

Yes, Alterna conditioners are well-suited for color treated hair as they help correct the damage caused by coloring.

How do certain shampoos affect color treated hair?

Certain shampoos can strip the color from hair by removing the color molecules. It is important to use shampoos that are specifically formulated for color-treated hair to help maintain the vibrancy and longevity of the color. Look for products that are sulfate-free and designed to be gentle on colored hair.

Tiny black bugs in hair?

The most common bugs in the hair are generally hair lice - these are easily treated with shampoos and combs.

How long does demi permanent hair color last?

Demi-permanent hair color typically lasts 24-25 shampoos, so if you wash your hair everyday, about a month. This can vary according to the products you use (some shampoos can help preserve color).

What is the effect of shampoos on the tensile strength of hair?

The effect of shampoos on the tensile strength of hair are hard to determine. Depending on color of hair, brand of shampoo, and previous damage to hair, the results will differ.