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thre are a lot of products that will only HELP your hair grow you will have to do your part take in a lot of water and you need a healthy diet sugars ,fats and oil extracts can prohibit your hair from growing.prohibit means to stop or discountinue

here are some of the products and things that will help your hair to grow:doo grow , mane'n'tail products,natural oils such as natural herbs,citrus fruits,jojoaba,rosemary,and sage, and use expensive hair products because the fake stuff wont work. you also need to wash and condithion your hair, and also get your hair greased to the scab 2-3 times a week and once or twicea month get you hair braided for people who have thick hair and comb you hair out once a week. for coucasion people bont get you hair braided or greased or oiled because your hairl is naturally oily. so you should follow some of those steps if you want your hair to grow

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Q: What are some hair products that will make your hair grow?
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What are some good products to use for hair growth?

Some good hair products you can use to help your hair grow are, olive oil hair products, coconut hair products. But the best way to make your hair grow is to care for it correctly. What I mean by that is when you detangle it, it's best to use some type of detangular and a wide tooth comb is the best to use.

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Honestly there are no products that make your hair grow faster. But some shampoos can help you get healthier hair.

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There are many products that have been proven to improve hair growth. Some of these hair growth products include Har Vokse, Groei360, and Healthier Regrow.

How can you stop your hair from shedding?

There are a few things that you can do to prevent hair loss. Some of these things include a red light therapy that increases circulation and will make hair grow and then there are over the counter products you can try that are known to help regrow hair.

Can you take vitamins to make your hair grow?

Yes, there are some vitamins you can take to make your hair and nails grow faster. I know for a fact if you take prenatal vitamins, your hair will grow really fast.

What do you put on your hair at night to help it grow?

some people say when u wash ur hair often it can make hair grow fast,india people believe if eat lot onion can make hair grow lot

Does tresemme make hair grow faster?

There is no shampoo out there that can speed your hair growth some shampoo and conditioner make you hair look longer because the conditioners are thicker which way it down to give the flat long hair look.I am a user or tresemme hair products ,my hair grow fast so yeah,Its worth trying $6 - $7 dollars of massive shampoo and conditioner.To make your hair grow faster is to not use heat tools every day and stay healthy and is highly recommend there conditioners love them.

Do you got some stuff to make my hair grow long?

You can buy some hair growing solution if you wish...

How do you wake up scalp and follicles and grow the hair back?

You either wait for a little to see if will grow back. If not just use some hair growing products. See links.

Do some perms never grow out?

No, all perms grow out as your hair grows. Once your hair starts to grow, you'll have straight hair at the roots (which looks awful.) this is the same as coloring your hair, you'll have roots as the hair grows. Now, if you already got the perm & don't like it, there are products that you can get that will straighten your hair. You can also go to a salon & have it straightened. In the meantime, you can use a hair straightener. Keep in mind, all of these products can damage your hair if not done properly.

What are some tips for faster hair growth?

There are numerous products marketed to make hair grow faster. The effectiveness of these products is questionable. Poor hair growth is experienced in poor health. Improving ones health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet will support hair growth and may improve it. Keeping ones scalp clean will also help.

Does pulling on your hair make it grow?

Some people believe so but what makes hair grow fast and healthy is frequent (meaning every month or two) trims. You can also ask your hairdresser what they think will make your hair grow faster, they do have tons of hair knowledge.