

What are some harmless April Fools pranks?

Updated: 3/31/2020
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11y ago

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  1. Put sticky plastic wrap under the toilet seat. When they go to the bathroom, they will spill!
  2. Take a box of cereal, crackers, etc., and cut out the entire bottom. Put the box on the shelf and then pour the cereal or crackers straight into box, and close the top. When your victim goes to grab the box, the food will fall out onto the floor!

  3. Use a pin to make a few small holes in a plastic disposable cup (near the top, just below the rim). Offer a drink to the victim and watch while the liquid dribbles out onto their shirt!
  4. Balance a small disposable cup of water on the top of a partially open door. Wait for your victim to be splashed!
  5. If you have a sink with a sprayer, put a rubber band around the handle when no one is looking.
  6. Grab a bunch of alarm clocks, set them to alarm at very early times in the morning and hide them all around different places at your victim's room.
  7. Make candied apples..... with onions!
  8. Borrow someone’s cell phone and change the language setting to a foreign language.
  9. Replace Oreo cream-filling with toothpaste and offer one to someone.
  10. Dress as an evil clown and go to drive-throughs to scare the workers.
  11. Fill soap dispensers around the house with pancake syrup.
  12. Set your cell phone outgoing voice mail message to "Hello? … Hello? … April Fools!"
  13. Replace your roommate's/spouse's deodorant with cream cheese.
  14. Saran-wrap your victim's car!
  15. Whoopee cushions never go out of style!
  16. Hide ONE of each of your victim's shoes!
  17. Put marshmallows on top of the ceiling fan blades.
  18. Put a chicken bouillon cube in the shower head.
  19. Wrap your victim's phone (it's better if it's a land line phone, but it will work on a cell too) in as many rubber bands as humanly possible.
  20. Casually leave a prank notebook somewhere where potential victims could find it. Don't do any of the pranks listed there. Make them paranoid.
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April fools!!

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Take some clear plastic wrap and place it under the toilet seat. When the go it will get all over. (works beat at night)

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Go and change all of the clocks in the house 2 or 3 hours ahead or you could put a post-it note over the bottom of the computer mouse so it does not work. LOL this is mean tell somebody that you love them and then an hour later tell them April Fools!! Hope this helps also search pranks online at

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