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Some healthy snacks I love are ants on a log - celery sticks with peanut butter, topped with raisins. I also enjoy good old fashioned cheese and crackers or carrot sticks and lowfat ranch dressing!

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Q: What are some healthy snacks I can make for my kids?
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What are some easy to make healthy snacks for my kids?

Some easy healthy snacks kids will love include a delicious and quick peanut butter on celery sticks recipe. Simply spread some peanut butter on some celery and the kids will enjoy a delicious snack and will take in a lot of protein and vitamins.

What are some healthy snacks that I can pack in my kids' lunch boxes?

There are plenty of snacks that children can eat for lunch that are healthy. Healthy snacks for children include fruits and vegetables, baked chips, and trail mix.

What are some quick, healthy snacks for kids?

There are tons of healthy snacks that kids love. Yogurt, cheese, raisins, cut up fruit or vegetables with low-fat dip, nuts, ect. You can make snack time fun by using cookie cutters to make shapes out of the food.

What are some nutritious snacks that I can pack in my kids' lunch boxes?

Some great, healthy snacks that will keep your kids energized all day are foods like carrots, an assortment of nuts, fruit, string cheese, and granola.

Where can I find some new healthy snacks for my kids to eat in between meals?

Healthy eaters identified fruit, yogurt and nutritional bars, whole grain cereals with low fat milk, and peanut butter as some of the best between meal snacks and for snacks on the go!

What are some good healthy snack recipes?

On the Parents website you can find the 20 best healthy snacks for kids including recipes and what each snack provides as far as nutrients. You can view them at

What would you call lunchable when it comes to snacks for kids?

Some good snacks for kids would be something as simple as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Others could be soup, pizza, or something healthy or nutritious.

What are some healthy snacks for children with diabetes?

There are many different snacks from the different food groups that are healthy for children with diabetes. Some of these are air popped pop corn, graham crackers, low fat yogurt, and apples. For a more complete list have a look here:

What are some healthy snacks one could put in a kids lunch box?

Some Healthy Snacks you could put in a kids lunch box are any cut up vegetables, like carrots or celery, apples, bananas, oranges, berries or a mixture of all of the fruits. You could put in Homemade applesauce and cheese sticks.

What are some healthy snacks for kids?

Fruit would be the healthiest option. Kids need as much vitamins, calcium and protein in their bodies in the right balance a they can get, so stuff like fruits, pasta, yoghurt's, fruit tarts, pulses, that kind of thing is great.

What are some healthy snacks he can take to school?

Some healthy snacks a kid can take to school include fruits such as apples, bananas, tangerines, and others. You can give him some healthy yogurt, or a granola bar too.

What are some healthy study snacks?

Raisins and Nuts.