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Chest pain is the most common heart attack symptom, but some women may experience it differently than men. It may feel like a squeezing or fullness , and the pain can be anywhere in the chest, not just on the left side

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What are some symptoms of an upcoming heart attack in women?

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Symptoms of Women's Heart Attacks?

Women who have heart attack symptoms are often misdiagnosed because the symptoms of a woman's heart attack are very different than those of a man. Many people, including women and their doctors, consider chest pain to be the main sign of a heart attack. While chest pain is a common sign of a heart attack for men, women do not necessarily feel this pain when they are having a heart attack.Common Female Heart Attack SymptomsThough women experience different symptoms than men, a heart attack is equally life threatening in men and women. Unfortunately, when women's symptoms are not recognized as signs of a heart attack, the condition can be even more dangerous. While symptoms differ between men and women, there are commonalities in heart attack symptoms among women. Some of the common signs of a heart attack in a woman include:

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How do heart attack symptoms differ between men and women?

Some symptoms are chest discomfort or pain, upper body pain and shortness of breath. Women can get additional symptoms such as sweating, Nausea or vomiting and Lightheadedness or dizziness.

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Symptoms of heart disease can be different for men and for women. This site offers symptoms to look for in women

How soon do some pregnancy symptoms appear?

Pregnancy symptoms appear at different times for different women. Sometimes they don't start till a week after, and some women don't even get the symptoms. Many women say that they got the symptoms the day after, and some reported that they didn't even get the symptoms till a few months into their pregnancy.

My new diagnosis is angina, how can I deal with this on a daily basis?

Some symptoms are chest discomfort or pain, upper body pain and shortness of breath. Women can get additional symptoms such as sweating, Nausea or vomiting and Lightheadedness or dizziness.

what are some heart attack symptoms in women?

It would be best to consult with a doctor. This will allow your doctor to evaluate this and find out why it may be occuring. The doctor can also provide solutions that can help.

Can you have pregnancy symptoms after one week?

Some women report having symptoms this early.