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Some homeopathic remedies for treatment of the common cold are Aconite, Belladona, Allium Cepa, Dulcamara, Gelsemium, Hepar Sulph, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, and Natrum Mur.

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Q: What are some homeopathic remedies for the treatment of the common cold?
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What are some popular homeopathic cold remedies?

Some good natural remedies for the common cold include zinc, vitamin D, Astragalus root, garlic, vitamin C, honey, echinacea, ginseng root, ginger, elderberry and eucalyptus steam.

What are some Homeopathic remedies for small 2nd degree burns?

Put tooth paste on it or rinse it with cool water not cold

Common cold remedies for babies?

a puwet

What is a good way to treat a homeopathic disease?

Here are some of the most common treatment for homeopathic disease. Onion: because it is known to cause tearing of the eyes and ripping of the nose, it is a frequent remedy for the common cold and hay fever, especially when there is a thin, watery, and burning nasal discharge that irritates the nostrils.

What are the easiest common cold remedies?

Some easy cold remedies are consuming lots of liquids, taking hot baths, and using a humidifier. Other cold remedies are to get plenty of rest and avoid coffee and alcohol.

How to Use Homeopathic Remedies for Some Common Ailments?

Long before conventional medicines were invented, there was homeopathic medicine. People have been using homeopathic remedies since time began. The Inca people made tea out of the bark of the Tabebuia Avellanedae Tree and used it for ailments such as arthritis and fever. People in the Middle Ages used Quaker Bottoms from the Vomica Tree to aid with digestive problems and headaches. Native Americans used skunk cabbage for asthma, leaves of the creosote bush for bronchitis and yellow spine thistle blossoms for treating burns.Many people still prefer homeopathic remedies when possible. But how do we know what homeopathic remedies to use? There has been a tremendous comeback to homeopathic medicine. Because of this, many books have been written, stores have started offering homeopathic solutions and scores of online sites have started selling homeopathic products. There are even doctors who specialize in homeopathic treatments. With a little research, you too can try some homeopathic remedies. There is no reason to use prescription drugs or over-the-counter medicine at the first sign of discomfort. Many ailments do great with the use of homeopathic remedies.There is no cure for the common cold – that is a fact. But that does not mean that there should be no comfort for the common cold. One of the main complaints of people with a cold is a tickly throat. Those throat drops only work as long as you have one in your mouth. Gargling, on the other hand, helps the tickle go away for a while. Gargle with a tea that has tannin in it; the tannin tightens membranes and helps ease the tickle. Another solution is to sprinkle sugar on a half of a beet. Every time juice is produced, take a teaspoonful. The taste is sweet, it is non-addictive and throats are calmed.Other homeopathic remedies include hot liquid for congestion, cranberry juice for urinary tract infections, adding a can of evaporated milk into baths to ease itchiness, charcoal for poison ivy, chamomile tea for anxiety and ginger tea for stomach ailments. There are always several choices for the same ailments but with a little experimenting you will find the one that works for you.

What ailments are successfully treated by homeopathic remedies?

Bell's palsy, the common cold, allergies, coughing, dengue fever, dysentery, earaches, migraine headaches, fever, food poisoning, grief, influenza, motion sickness, shock, sore throat, surgical complications

What are some remedies for common cold relief?

There are a variety of remedies that can be helpful to a person with the cold. Some include over the counter cold medication which can help deal with the symptoms. Others include home remedies such as a salt water gargle and chicken soup.

What is a homeopathic remedy for a cold sore?


Home Remedies for Colds?

Unfortunately, the common cold is something that everyone experiences. It is difficult to get away from but some home remedies do exist that can lessen the chances of getting the common cold while also making it shorter. The immune system is a very powerful weapon that can be used to prevent and fight the common cold. Vitamin C is an immune system booster and can be taken daily to prevent the common cold from showing up and staying long.

Where can I buy cold sore treatment?

Cold sores can be particularly painful and may not heal without the proper treatment. There are a couple options you could take when looking for a cold sore treatment. You could research some home remedies, but these may require expensive ingredients that you don't have in your home. The other option is to go to your local retailer like Wal-Mart or Target and invest in an over the counter cold sore treatment.

What is galium heel?

Galium-Heel is a blend of several supportive homeopathic remedies for the immune system that relieves symptoms, it combats stubborn viral infections,speeds recovery from illness and strengthens the immune system, it is also good for relief of exhaustion and weakness due to infection.Gallium-Heel is strong homeopathic defense against cold and flu.