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Squirrels that live in highly populated areas are more likely to let humans and approach them or to get closer to them. The squirrels live out in the country, where its more trees and woods than humans, are less likely to let a human approach them.

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10y ago

squirrels can be over hunted or can be dieing from oil spills

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Q: What are some human effects on flying squirrels?
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Which mammals fly?

Bats are the flying mammals. There are some squirrels that 'glide' that are referred to as flying squirrels.

Are flying squirrels nocturnal?

Only flying squirrels are nocturnal. All other types of squirrels are active during the early morning and early afternoon, this type of behavior is called crepuscular (as opposed to diurnal = active mostly during the day, and nocturnal= active mostly at night )

What environment do flying mammals live in?

Some bats live in trees, others live in caves or attics. Flying squirrels live in trees. Bats actually fly. Flying squirrels merely glide.

Why are squirrels endangered?

they arent and i would know that because im a scienctist

What are facts about flying?

Here are some interesting facts on flying squirrels. for starters a flying squirrel can glide at a distance of 200 ft. The flying squirrel is capable of flying at a speed of 20 mph. a southern fling squirrel has a gray stripe down its back to camouflage its self from predators. the predators of flying squirrels are usually big birds like owls, crows, and hawks.

How many nocturnal animals fly?

Well these are some Flying squirrels (Which glide) Owels Bats etc....

Are squirrels diurnal or nocturnal?

Different species of squirrels are nocturnal, diurnal, or crepuscular. For example, the eastern grey squirrel is diurnal, asleep during the night, while some flying squirrels are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day.

What is the southern flying squirrels history?

The squirrel is a strange creature, known to humans as a suthern flying squirrel. It lives in some countries, such as some of the 7 continents. They can live up to 29 years old

Are squirrels dangerous?

Squirrels are dangerous to a certain extent. They may bring some sicknesses and diseases to human beings which may be harmful.

How flying squirrel fly?

They don't fly. They glide. Their arms aren't wings. Flying Squirrels have some kind of furry skin stretched to help them glide. They can glide 80 feet!

Which animals can slither?

Bats.Bats do not actually glide. They require their wings to be used in a "flapping" motion in order to stay aloft.Gliders and flying squirrels can glide. The longest recorded glide of a flying squirrel is 90m, while the squirrel glider (not a flying squirrel) has been recorded at 100m.

What are the special things about squirrels?

Some of the squirrels spacial features are that they have very very sharp teeth that are slightly yellow. Some can glide if it happens to be a flying squirrel and they are quick and can make it up and down trees easily.