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Q: What are some instances where rhyme is used effectively outside of poetry?
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Related questions

What is the definition of external rhyme in poetry?

External rhyme in poetry refers to the rhyming of words at the end of consecutive lines. It is a common poetic device that can create a pleasing sound pattern and enhance the overall rhythm of the poem.

Does narrative poetry have to rhyme?


Did John Keats use rhyme and meter in his poetry?

Yes, John Keats did use rhyme and meter in his poetry.

Can there be rhyme in prose?

Yes, just as there doesn't have to be rhyme in poetry.

Do metaphor poems have to rhyme?

No, metaphor poems do not have to rhyme. The power of a metaphor lies in its ability to convey meaning by comparing two unlike things, and this can be done effectively with or without rhyming. The focus is more on the metaphorical connection and imagery created rather than rhyme scheme.

When the ends of two lines of poetry rhyme but the rhyme is a little bit off we call it this type of rhyme?

slant rhyme

What is the analogy of compose is to music as poet is to?


What is in a free verse poem?

Free verse is poetry that doesn't have a rhyme scheme or meter as is found in other forms of poetry.

What includes rhyme and meter?

Poetry typically includes rhyme and meter. Rhyme involves words that have similar sounds at the end of their lines, while meter refers to the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry. Together, rhyme and meter help create a rhythmic flow and enhance the musical quality of poetry.

What is Assigned Rhyme Scheme poetry?

Assigned rhyme scheme poetry is a type of poetry where a specific pattern of rhyming words is predetermined. This means that certain lines within the poem must end with words that rhyme according to a set structure, such as AABB or ABAB. Common examples of assigned rhyme scheme poetry include sonnets and limericks.

What is poetry with no rhyme called?

Free verse.

What is another word for poetry?

poems, rhyme