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Q: What are some jobs available for people against prejudice and the corruption of power?
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Related questions

Is prejudice against gay people called racism?

No. Gay people are not a race. Prejudice against gay people is called homophobia.

What is prejudice and discrimination against Jewish people called during the war?

Prejudice against Jews is called antisemitism, whether there is a war on or not.

Which of the following terms describes prejudice against Jewish people that convinced many Jews to embrase nationalism?

No terms followed you, but anti-Semitism is prejudice against Jewish people.

Do you have protested against corruption?

Its a matter of personal opinion. As of me, I have contributed by commenting against corruption on the Internet and by writing blogs to make people aware.

What word means you are against a group of people?

prejudice bigoted

People who fought against prejudice and discrimination?

nelson mandela

Why are people prejudice against overweight people?

Because It Is Really Funny HaHaHaHaHaHaHa

Why is there prejudice against fat people?

Because the media says so.

Why are people prejudice against young music?

they mock things they do not understand

What is an ableist?

An ableist is a person who exhibits prejudice against disabled people.

Prejudice was against the immigrants in the 1800s?

Yes, because people were nativists.

What allows some individuals to take a stand against prejudice oppression while others choose to participate in it?

Some people fear what will happen if they decide to fight against the majority that is encouraging prejudice towards another group. A lot of people choose to fight against prejudice and these people are usually coming from the group that is being 'attacked' rather than the people who are 'attacking'.