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Q: What are some jobs or careers that involve the use of computers?
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What are some jobs or careers that involve using square roots?

some jobs that acquire square roots and squared numbers are physicist and architect

What careers involve rocks?

Some jobs are mining, sculpting gem cutting, selling minerals, geologist, physical geology or enviromental geologist.

What are some careers jobs that starts with an A?

acrobat and artist

What are some jobs that involve numbers?

Jobs that involve numbers include pharmacists, construction workers, and math teachers. Scientists, and people who reconstruct accidents also have jobs that involve the use of numbers.

What are some careers that involve plants?

gardener mower home dpot worker lowes

Name some jobs or careers that involve radical expressions.?

Any advanced math (basically, anything beyond addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) will be used mainly in engineering jobs. This is any career that has "engineering" in its name, and a few others that don't, such as economy and architecture.

Why are computer used in offices?

Some jobs require computers and some jobs have computers in offices to stay connected with email and other resources. Today, there aren't many jobs that don't require computers.

What percentage of jobs in the US require the use of computers?

Approximately 83% of jobs in the US require the use of computers in some capacity. From office work to technical professions, computer skills are essential in the modern workforce.

What are some careers that involve the use of gases besides scuba diving?

Are you in ms.wood's chemistry class! who are you? =D

What are some high paying jobs that involve history?

University prof.

What are some careers that don't require a lot of time in school?

There are no careers that don't requirte a lot of time in school, only jobs. You have to work for a career.

What are some jobs that involve food?

Cafeteria worker, chef, restaurant owner...