

What are some kinds of fish that do not lay eggs?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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All fish lay eggs, however some fish retain these eggs inside them until they hatch (they are ovoviviparous). Hammerhead sharks do this and with seahorses the female transfers the eggs to the male for incubation.

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Q: What are some kinds of fish that do not lay eggs?
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Do fish lay eggs or not?

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Do gippies fish lay eggs?

Guppies are livebearing fish and retain the eggs until they are ready to give birth to live fry (baby fish). Goldfish are part of the koi family and do lay eggs, some fish are live bearers and some egg layers.

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Yes, that's the easiest place for them to hide their eggs from predators. (Fish who eat them)

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Do fish lay their eggs in water?

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How many eggs do fishes lay?

The answer to how many eggs does a fish lay really depends on the type of fish that you are asking about. Some species on lay a few dozen while others will lay thousands in order to try to ensure their species survival.Fish can lay 2-500 eggs at a time, it depends on the species. That's why there are so many fish in a school of fish!Usually, about 50-200. The fish lays eggs in a simple way. Take the salmon for example. It makes a nest with it's tail then the male fertalizes the eggs and she lays them in the nest. The female die shortly after spawning(laying eggs). That is how this fish lays eggs. Actually, it depends on the fish. Some fish, like salmon, lay only a few hundred eggs. But generally, marine fish lay more eggs. Some marine fish lay millions of eggs.50-200 (usually)

What kinds of wildlife are not mammals?

Animals that lay eggs.sharks, birds, fish,ect.-whatever lays eggs

How often can a fish lay eggs?

It depends on where the fish lives. If it is in a pond then it will lay eggs in the spring and summer. If its a fish in an aquarium inside of a heated home, they can lay eggs at any time.

Do zebra fish lay eggs?

Not all tropical fish lay eggs. Some, such as tiger barbs and daninos do lay eggs, while others such as guppies and sword-tails give live birth.

Do rainbow fish lay eggs?

Yes they do lay eggs

What are some examples of fish that do not reproduce by laying eggs?

Guppies don't lay eggs.