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Q: What are some landforms in peninsula?
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What are Europe's four major landforms?

the alps, the iberian peninsula, the Italian peninsula, and balkan peninsula

What are the landforms in Mediterranean Europe?

There are a variety of major landforms and rivers in southern Europe. Some include the Balkan Mountains, the Guadalquivir River, as well as the Corinth Canal.

What are flordia's landforms?

Florida is considered a peninsula.

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A peninsula or headland are two examples.

What type of landforms north and South Korea combined?

Its A Peninsula, because all of it together make up a peninsula.

What are landforms in Detroit?

the major landforms are the plateaus, the plains and the mountains

What landforms are there in South Korea?

Peninsula, valleys, rivers, mountains, islands

Southeast Asia is divided into what two major landforms?

archipelagos and a peninsula

What are some major landfroms in Somalia?

The Cal Maddow mountain range, the Somali Peninsula, the Jubba River, and the Shabele River are landforms in Somalia.

What are the Major Land Forms of Florida?

The 2 major landforms are swamps and peninsula .

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What landforms are located between the atlas mountains and the sinai peninsula?

The Sahara Desert