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Jennifer can be Jenn or Jenny. Alexandria can be Al, Alex, or Alexis. Susannah can be Sue or Susie. Davida can be Davy. Druanna can be Dru or Anna.

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Consider the name "Isabella" which can be shortened to the sweet nickname "Izzy." Another option could be "Penelope," which can be shortened to "Penny." Both names are elegant and have charming nicknames.

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Q: What are some long girl names that have cute nicknames but sound good when they are long too I am writing a story and I need a name like that?
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I'm writing a story and I need some names that would sound hot for a guy - if you can first middle and last names?

Click the link below for a name generator. You need to make up your own names if you're going to be a writer.

Can you use real people's names in a true story?

If this is a personal story of your life and the persons in your story are deceased you can use their names, but, when writing a story about the people you know you should change their names and in the front of the book a clause can be put in 'this story is true; the names have been changed to protect the person's involved.' If one is writing about John F. Kennedy for example they can use real names, but must do their research well.

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You can't start out naming your series! Names and titles come from the story, not the other way around. Start writing, then see what name comes out of the writing. See the related question for ways to name your writing.

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A good story uses your imagination. I personally like names like: Victor, for a guy. Or maybe Victoria for a girl. To me, these just sound like smart names. However, the good thing with creative writing is you get to choose. Maybe you could even use the name of your real science teacher! Teachers are real people -- they have real names. Here's a link to show you how writers choose names for their characters.

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Biceps are biceps. End of story. There are plenty of slang names / nicknames. In the US, they're often referred to as "guns"

Is creative writing the same as a story writing?

Creative writing is not necessarily writing a story. It means just what it seems to. Fictional story writing is a part of creative writing though.

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You write words in italics in stories if a word needs to be exaggerated(I mean the sound).

What nicknames does Our Untold Story go by?

Our Untold Story goes by OUS.

What is writing a story?

it is writing your imagination down and telling a story to whoever reads it

What is story writing?

Writing a story means making up a tale and putting it onto paper or into a computer. Here are some more links about story writing.

Im writing a story and need a storyline any ideas?

You can't be writing a story if you don't already have a story line!If you get a story from someone else, you'll be writing their story, not yours. Click on the link to see how writers get story ideas.

What type of sentence is I'm writing a story?

I'm writing a story is a declaration, a statement.