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Some names that have the long O sound are:






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Q: What are some long o vowel sound names?
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Related questions

Does some have a long vowel sound?

No. The O in some has a short U vowel sound, as in sum. The E is silent.

Does some have a long or short vowel sound?

It has a short U vowel sound, sounding the same as "sum."

Does 'what' have a long or short vowel sound?

The A in what has a short U vowel sound (wut) or in some dialects a short O (wot).

Is the U sound in ruler a long or short vowel sound?

It is a long U. Some long U's are "yoo" (cute, fuel) and some are "oo" (dune, flute). So-called "long" vowels A, I, E. O, and U "say their names" in English, and there is no English vowel whose name is Oo. "Broad" U might be a better term for the vowel in ruler, meaning a rounded back vowel with the tongue down.

Does the word some have a short vowel sound?

No, the word "some" does not have a short vowel sound. It has a long vowel sound, pronounced as /səʊm/.

What are some words that start with a long A vowel sound?

Words that begin with a short A sound include:ableaceacheacornagealeaidailaimanalangelaortaapeapexapronasymmetricedelweiss (ay-del-vice)

What are some long E vowel sound names?

Peter, Teresa... Lisa (it makes the long e sound even though its an i, so I;m not sure if that counts). That's all I can think of for now.

Does Child have a long or short vowel sound?

It depends on the specific word or context. Some words may have a long vowel sound, such as "cute," where the "u" makes the long /uː/ sound. Other words may have a short vowel sound, such as "cat," where the "a" makes the short /æ/ sound.

Does flute have an oo or a yoo vowel sound?

The vowel sound is a long U (long OO) vowel sound (floot).The YOO sound is another form of the long U, long OO, where a consonant shapes a y-sound. Some YOO words are cute, mute, fuel, feud, and uniform.

Does some have a short or long vowel sound?

It depends on the specific word and its pronunciation. Some words have short vowel sounds, while others have long vowel sounds.

What is the long vowel sound in the word butte?

The word butte rhymes with cute and mute. It has a long U (long YOO) vowel sound.(*some guides consider the long OO and long YOO separate sounds, but only the Y consonant sound is different, as in cute, which has an OO version coot)

What vowel sound does the silent e make?

It doesn't make any sound for itself, but it normally makes the preceding vowel a long vowel sound.Examples:mat (short A) + E = mate (long A)sit (short I) + E = site (long I)dot (short I) + E = dote (long O)However, there are exceptions where the vowel has another sound (come and some have a short U sound).