

What are some miracles of christ?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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he turned water into wine

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Q: What are some miracles of christ?
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Who believed in Jesus after the miracles?

Many believed in jesus Christ after the miracles, like the Roman centurion.

Why are miracles in The Bible?

To show the power of Jesus Christ.

What sparked the idea of chrisianity?

Christ's teachings and miracles.

Which miricales do chritians believe jesus preformed?

Jesus Christ performed countless miracles, and still is today. Some of the miracles that the bible tells us about are giving sight to a blind man, giving life to a man who had been dead for 3 days, and much much more. Simply read the bible, and you will see many miracles Christ performed. And ask any true Christian, and they will tell you about miracles that Christ has performed for them as well.

What verse can tell us that we can also do miracles like of christ's?

We cannot spiritually match Christ in any way, therefore we cannot perform miracles like him. So the answer to your question is: There is none.

What was the allusion (reference) to christ's miracles in this stave?

In this stave, the allusion to Christ's miracles is seen when the Ghost of Marley mentions "the tale of the boy who cried out that the emperor had no clothes." This is a reference to the biblical story of the boy who pointed out the truth despite others not seeing it, much like Christ's miracles revealed truths that others may not have initially recognized.

How many miracles are there in the Bible?

Let me tell you this, in the Bible, there are more than a billion miracles that happened. Everything the Lord Jesus Christ does is a miracle.

Harmless error doctrine?

If there is an error in doctrine then it could change the whole meaning of that doctrine and become misleading. While some error may be so insignificant that it does not alter the meaning of the doctrine. One error may be "Christ was able to perform miracles" but is quoted "Christ is able to perform miracles" The was and is does not change the meaning.

What does the Quran say about the miracles of Jesus Christ?

Hazrat Jesus Christ (May peace be upon him) is one of the most exaled Prophets of Almighty Allah. He was gifted with many miracles which are mentioned in the Qur'an. Even his birth was a unique miracle.

How many miracles does the Bible list?

there are listed in the Bible 333 but that is only some of them for example Jesus performed at least 35 of those miracles but those are the only ones listed Christ has performed 332 of those miracles but we are still waiting for the last one. For Him to come back to Earth for the 2nd time.

How are St. pio the Raising of Lazarus and the holy oil related?

they are all miracles from CHRIST

What is the name of a religious person who does miracles?

Jesus christ ------------------------ and also God and the holy sprit