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Do you like the song whislte? from Flo Rida Its awesome Hello they make you very strong!!

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Q: What are some names of some steroids and what are there causes?
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What are some negative effects of steroids?

Causes drowseyness and sometimes fevers

What is the steroid that causes increase in strength?

Anabolic steroids.

What drugs causes hair loss?

Anabolic steroids

What are some causes of gynecomastia?

Excessive alcohol intake, smoking marijuana, or using anabolic steroids may cause gynecomastia

What are some slang names for anabloic steroids?

Slang terms for anabolic steroids include: Arnolds, gym candy, juice, pumpers, roids, stackers, weight trainers. There are also terms for how steroids are used. "Stacking" refers to taking multiple steroids at once. "Cycling" means to regularly start and stop (or reduce) the steroids.

What are slang names for anabolic steroids?

Hammer, juice, junk.

What are the names of the Yankees that have ammited to or were caught using steroids?

Derek Jeter,Mark Tex, nick swisher and a-rod have all used steroids from 2009- Present

Are steroids illegal drugs?

steroids aren't illegal if they are prescribed to you. they are illegal if they weren't issued to you, or if you abuse them

What are some safety issues on steroids?

he Hell with this Question Go on Wikipedia and search Steroids

Some athletes have took drug tests to prove they are not on steroids?

Some athletes have taken drug tests to prove they are not on steroids.

Are some steroids called anabolic steroids?

Yes... From wikipedia:Anabolic steroids, officially known as anabolic-androgen steroids (AAS), are drugs which mimic the effects of the male sex hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

How are anabolic androgenic steroids addictive?

it causes the body to depend on it like any other drug