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Some natural remedies to help prevent one's hair falling out are Indian Gooseberries, sesame seeds, curry leaves, coriander leaves and almonds. Aloe and coconut oil also prevent one's hair falling out.

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Q: What are some natural remedies to help prevent one's hair falling out?
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Help hair from falling out?

Check some videos about it on youtube, it'll usually find you some remedies.

Are there any natural hair regrowth remedies that I can use instead of the store bought ones?

There are some natural hair regrowth remedies. One, which can be found here,, guarantees hair regrowth in 8 days. Hair Regain and Hair Renew also claim to have positive results. Some vitamins also claim to help regrow hair.

What are the best natural home remedies to cure damaged hair?

Mix Mayonnais and a raw egg for 30 mins like a hair mask it has the natural oil and protein in it

What natural remedies are available for thinning hair in women?

Some of the natural remedies available for thinning hair in women are a multivitamin everyday, beta carotene, vitamin c. vitamin e, and arnica which can be applies to the scalp aiding in hair regrowth.

Want to darken hair is there any sprays that darken hair that are good?

You can darken your hair using the Black Ice spray, or the natural remedies such as herbs sage and rosemary.

What are some natural remedies to prevent dry hair?

First, improve your diet. Dry hair can be a sign of vitamin deficiencies and dehydration. If you still need help after a few weeks of drinking more water and eating well, try massaging olive or coconut oil into your hair. Both oils are excellent at giving hair moisture.

Why should waitresses tie back their hair?

Waitresses should tie their hair back to prevent their naturally falling out hair from getting in customers' food.

How can I get more information about hair loss diet?

Hair loss is a problem that affects both men and women. Luckily, there are many remedies for this condition. One website that gives a good overview on natural and artificial remedies is Web

What are some natural hair loss remedies?

Some of the natural remedies for hair loss include massage, which stimulates the hair follicles. An individual may also wish to rub essential oil, or ginger juice into a scalp. Nutrition may help, so one may wish to take Vitamin A, for example, which can promote sebum on the scalp.

What are some good ideas for how to prevent pimples?

There are many ways to prevent a breakout of pimples. 1, Drink plenty of water 2, Do not touch your face, you'll be amazed how many times we touch our face with dirty hands. 3, Keep hair clean and off of your face. 4. Wash face and hands with a natural soap such as syrinx za - do not use chemicals 5. Never squeeze Hope that helps

Why do cooks have to wear a hat in the kitchen?

Hair collects dust and other debris: potential contaminants for food. Caps should always be worn in commercial or industrial kitchens to prevent contaminants from the head and scalp, including hair, from falling on the food. In the home kitchen, if hair is long enough to tie back or put up, it should be secured at all times when preparing food. More information: Caps are worn to prevent hair and hair debris from falling into food. But they are also a safety measure to prevent long hair from being set on fire over the cook tops or to prevent long hair from getting caught in appliances.

How can you treat hair loss?

There are different method of treatment for hair loss. you can have herbal or natural remedies, some people perfer transplant. messageing your hair help with blood circulation hence enhancing the growth.