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Q: What are some nicknames for the brain?
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How many years of drinking does it take to damage your brain?

you can kill some brain cells with each and every drink you take brain damage can occur after just weeks of heavy drinking.

What are some symptoms of brain trauma injury?

Brain trauma injury can have wide ranging physical and psychological effects, some of these symptoms include, headaches, dizziness or loss of balance, nausea or vomiting.

What parts of the brain are associated with multitasking or task switching?

The part of the brain that is associated with multi-tasking is the Prefrontal Cortex. This is near your forehead. That part of the brain does a lot of things. Some of them include multi-tasking, complex problem solving, conscience, moral emotions, self control, interacting socially, and etc. This part of the brain does so many things that even some scientists are studying to figure out why some people are psychopaths.

What are some long term effects of alcohol on the brain?

Some potential long-term effects of alcohol on the brain include: cardiovascular health issues that increase the risk of stroke brain shrinkage poor circulation to the brain dementia nutritional deficiencies that may damage the brain or cause an alcohol-related type of dementia called Korsakoff syndrome mental health issues, including hallucinations and psychosis changes in mood or personality

When alcohol reaches the brain it begins to effect those areas of the brain that control?

Some of alcohol's effects on the brain are : Difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times, impaired memory.