

What are some non-toxic carpet stain removers?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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13y ago

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I have several stains that I would like to remove from my carpet, but need to use a non-toxic solution as I have young children and two dogs. What are some stain removal products that are effective on carpets?

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Q: What are some non-toxic carpet stain removers?
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There are many different stain removers on the market. Some very highly recommended stain removers are Shout, Tide Stain Stick, Oxiclean, and Spray N Wash.

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Gamma butyrolactone is a chemical used in some powerful removers. These removers include some stain removers, super glue removers, paint strippers and some solvents.

What are stain removers?

Definition: Spot stain removers are used to treat a small stained area on washable fabrics. Some stain removers are formulated for specific types of stains like oils and greases, proteins, etc. There are also spot stain removers available for treating specific stains. Clothing treated with spot stain removers will need to be washed. See the directions to know how soon treated clothing will need to be laundered.

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Spot Shot and Simply Green are widely referred to as the best pet stain removers. However, if you wish to try a natural cleaner, water and vinegar can do the trick.

Will Murphy's oil soap stain carpet?

Yes! I recenty spilled some on my carpet and cannot get it out. It left almost like a bleach stain on my carpet.

How effective are stain removers on different fabrics?

In general, many people find that homemade stain removers work as well as the store bought variety. Homemade stain removers don't necessarily work better than store bought ones. Before they were available on supermarket shelves, people made their own stain removers that seemed to be effective and still are today.

What are some of the best carpet stain removers?

I honestly think it would be a better idea to just get new carpets. If it's no problem to you, that is. I really have no idea where there are any good places. I think Stanley Steamer is pretty good though.

Should you remove a carpet stain right away?

Of course, do you want a stain in your carpet? If it's a liquid, egt a damp cloth and dab, then rub, if a solid has stained the carpet, get some stain remover or some hot soapy water and scrub.

What ingredients are in stain removers?

Some are: hydrogen peroxide, ammonia is another and various petroleum products to remove grease stains. My Spray and Wash shows the following ingredients: surfactant, solvents, stabilizers, fragrance and water. Older style stain removers included phosphates.

How do you get a chicken soup stain out of beige carpet?

Get some carpet cleaner, spray it on the spot, and scrub as hard as you can.

Are there poisonous ingredients in stain removers?

There should be an ingredient list on your package. Here are some common ingredients in many stain removers: Surfactants Enzymes Sodium Carbonate Oxygen Bleach Stabilizers Preservatives Fragrances Solvents However, it is possible to get poisoned by Sodium Carbonate, Surfactants, Preservatives and Fragrances.

What stain remover works best on clothing?

There are many stain removers available to use on clothes. The type of stain remover to use may depend on the type of stain and the type of clothing. Some stain removers are used to pretreat laundry while others are used to remove stains without water or a washing machine. Stains on dry clean fabric will need to be taken to the dry cleaners. OxiClean Max Force Laundry Stain Remover Tide Stain Brush Tide To Go Spray and Wash Dual Power Laundry Stain Remover Zout Spray and Wash Stain Stick Bi-O-Kleen's Bac Out Stain and Odor Eliminator Clorox Bleach Pen There are also various home made stain removers that also work well for specific stains.