

What are some object are magnets?

Updated: 6/14/2022
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electromagnets are used in batteries to convert energy into electricity

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Laurence Aufderhar

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Q: What are some object are magnets?
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When is an object magnetic?

An object is magnetic when its atoms are aligned so that their magnetic moments are pointing in the same direction, creating a net magnetic field. This alignment allows the object to attract or repel other magnets. Materials like iron, nickel, and cobalt are typically magnetic due to their atomic structures.

Why can magnets attract an object?

magnets have negative and positive charges

What objects are atracted to a magnet?

Objects that are attracted to a magnet are typically made of materials containing iron, nickel, or cobalt. This includes materials like iron, steel, nickel, and certain alloys. Other materials, such as plastic or wood, are not attracted to a magnet.

Why do magnets don't have east and west points?

[object Object]

Why magnets attract with iron?

because magnets attracts any object that is metallic or has metal in them

Why are some magnets magnetic and some are not?

If the iron atoms are aligned then the object is magnetic, if they are randomly oriented then it is not. How the object was manufactured may be the cause of the difference, but it always possible to intentionally either magnetize OR demagnetize an object.

How does magnetism cause an object to move?

All magnets have a magnetic field If the object that you want to move by using the magnet is with in the magnets magnetic field it will move.

What object repell magnets?

magnets repel magnets. a north repels north, south repels south and north attracts south poles

If you place a second object between two magnets?

If you place a second object between two magnets, it may interact with the magnetic field of the magnets. Depending on the properties of the object and the strength of the magnets, it can either be attracted to or repelled by the magnets. The alignment, distance, and orientation of the objects will also affect the interaction.

How do magnets affect a moving object?

I don't knwo

Can a magnets force go through an object?

Yes, a magnet's force can go through certain materials, such as paper or plastic. However, materials like metal can block the magnetic force from passing through. Additionally, the strength and distance of the magnetic field can affect how well it penetrates through an object.

Do some kitchen toys have magnets?

Some of them do have magnets. Childrens alphabet magnets are an example.