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Darth Vader, Storm troopers, Sand People, Junk monster, TIE Fighters, Darth Mall, Count Dooku......

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Q: What are some obstacles that Luke Skywalker encounters?
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Who are Darth Vader's two children in Star Wars?

Luke Skywalker had only one son, Ben Skywalker (named in honor of Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi). As to the events, there's tons of media including novels, graphic novels, comics, etc. that tell the events after Return of the Jedi.

What was the original name for Luke Skywalker?

The original name was Anakin Starkiller. Actually that was going to be the name of Anakin Skywalker. Luke's would've been Luke Starkiller. First answer was right. Lucas gave the character the name Anakin Starkiller and later decided on Luke while giving his father the name Anakin.

Is it possible that Darth Vader lied to Luke Skywalker?

No, when you have Obi Wan & Yoda confirming that Vader was Luke's father. Unless for some reason they were lying to him too as well, which is fairly absurd.

How many heros were in Star Wars?

For some characters, that depends on your point of view. Luke Skywalker, Leia Skywalker, Anikan Skywalker (before he join the Dark Side), Padme' Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Yoda, and Rex are all some good heroes and heroines in the Star Wars saga.

Does Luke like Darth Vader?

At the end when Darth redeems himself and again becomes Anikan yes he loves his father but as Darth Hatred would be more correct. This may be a trick question for some but Luke did not like Darth Vader. He loved him in a hating way. Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalkers dad, which means Luke would have to love his father. The answer is Luke loves Anakin Skywalker but hates Darth Vader. Hope that answered your question.

Did Luke Skywalker become a true jedi?

Yes, for he became the Grand Master of the New Jedi Order he constructed some time after Return of the Jedi

Who will be the main character in Star Wars 7?

The main cast of Luke, Han, Leia, Lando, Wedge, Cewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO would return with new characters like Anikin Solo, Ben Skywalker, and Mara Jade Skywalker the villians would be The Dark Jedi, the clones of Vader and Luke, and some Stormtroopers.

What are all the names of the Jedi?

There are many Jedi throughout the Star Wars universe, but some of the most well-known ones include Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Mace Windu, Rey, Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader), and Ahsoka Tano.

Who is better anikan skywalker or anikan solo?

Doubtless some will say Anakin is better, others will say Luke is better. A matter of personal preference; it is. According to the Star Wars Storyline: Luke Skywalker is the only son of Anakin Skywalker and Padme' Amidala. Leia Organa, later known as Leia-Organa Solo following her marriage to Han Solo, is the only daughter of Anakin and Padme'. Padme' Amidala died giving birth to Luke and Leia Skywalker. Of course, as we all know, Anakin Skywalker traveled to Mustafar where he battled with his former mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was defeated. Shortly thereafter he was transformed into the infamous Darth Vader. The rest, as they say, is history.

Who was Luke Skywalker's love interest in Star Wars movie?

Yes, to a woman called Mara Jade, who is later killed by their nephew, Jacen Solo. They have a son named Ben Skywalker. I thought jedi couldn't marry. Actually I'm adding to the jedi couldn't marry thing. I didn't say that someone else did... But Luke Skywalker thought that some of the old jedi principles didn't need to take place in the new JEdi Order.