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The biggest weakness of the Roman Empire was probalby the size and political weight of the Roman Army. The army reached an enormous size and the cost of paying salaries and military supplies was a burden the Roman state could barely afford. This led to the imposition of taxation regimes which were oppressive and resented by the people. The Roman legions were also loyal to their commanders. This led to commanders deposing incumbent emperors or fighting civil wars over who would take the tile of emperor thanks to the support of their troops. There were usurper emperors who seized power in parts of the empire, again, thanks to the support of the local troops.

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9y ago
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13y ago

-corruption became wide-spread

-unemployment became wide-spread

-greed became wide-spread

-expansion stopped meaning the source of new wealth stopped

-taxes increased because of expansion stalls

-education became too expensive for the average Roman

-rich got richer and poor got poorer, which led to class conflicts

-inflation spiraled, meaning prices rose and the value of the dollar decreased

-agricultural production declined

-military leaders and soldiers became less loyal, less disciplined, greedy, and self-centered

-they lost the willingness to sacrifice for Rome

-politicians became too concerned with financial gain

-there were MAJOR power struggles

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Umm they got cheese on their feet and played hujungah with the gumby dolls.

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9y ago

some of Romes external weaknesses are invasions and conquests

hope this helped you on your homework lol :P

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Q: What was the key internal weakness of the Roman Empire?
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What was a key internal weakness of the roman empire?

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The biggest weakness of the Roman Empire was probalby the size and political weight of the Roman Army. The army reached an enormous size and the cost of paying salaries and military supplies was a burden the Roman state could barely afford. This led to the imposition of taxation regimes which were oppressive and resented by the people. The Roman legions were also loyal to their commanders. This led to commanders deposing incumbent emperors or fighting civil wars over who would take the tile of emperor thanks to the support of their troops. There were usurper emperors who seized power in parts of the empire, again, thanks to the support of the local troops.

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