

What are some of egypts pyramids that are known well?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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In 1842 Karl Richard Lepsius made a list of 67 pyramids, now about twice as many are known.

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Q: What are some of egypts pyramids that are known well?
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Egypt is also known for its ancient civilization as well as the pyramids and the sphinx

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The most well known attraction in Egypt is the great Pyramids! (Please recommend me as a contributor if you like my answers!)

How many pyramids were built around the nile between 2700-1600BC?

The pyramids were built between 2700-16 BCE. There are ruins of over 35 pyramids around the banks of the Nile. The pyramids in the plaza at Giza are the most well known and preserved.

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The three biggest pyramids are the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, the Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico, and the Red Pyramid in Egypt. These pyramids are among the largest and most well-known in the world.

What civilization is the pyramids from?

Actually, several ancient civilizations built pyramids, usually for religious purposes. The largest and best known were built by the Egyptians several thousand years ago, but there are pyramids in Mexico and Central America as well.

What is Egypt best known for?

Ancient Egypt was famous for many things. 1. The gigantic pyramids. 2. Their many different Pharohs and rulers. 3. Their hieroglyphics (consisted of 700-800 signs) 4. It was one of the first civilizations known to man 5. They're many traps, protecting their tombs

The dometication of horses started how longago?

Well the Ancient Egypts Domesticated the herse in about the year 2000 bc by drawn chariots. Well the Ancient Egypts Domesticated the herse in about the year 2000 bc by drawn chariots.

Where was pyramids of Giza built?

Pyramids of Giza was one of the famous well-known pyramids and it was build in Ezypt cause pyramids are mainly from there and even pharoh is in ezypt. Ezypt is a nice country with deserts mostly. Camels are always seen there and it is a pretty cool place for history. It has mainly hot weather.

What is a prymaid?

Well, It depends on what pyramid your talking about. There are many pyramids, Food Pyramids Pyramids of Gesa.. and many more

What are the ancient tombs are called?

The ancient tombs of Egyptian kings were pyramids. Egyptian pharaohs were first mummified, then put in a sarcophagus (a thing like a coffin) and then the more important pharaohs were buried in the center of the pyramids.

How many pyramids have been discovered in Egypt?

There are three burial chambers - one underground and carved into the bedrock. Then one aboveground originally named the queen's chamber. Finally the king's chamber which held a red granite sarcophagus placed virtually at the centre of the pyramid.