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Q: What are some of the beneficial uses of radiation?
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What are uses in medicine for radiation?

Some cancers are treated with radiation.

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What are some medical uses of radiation?

to detect radiation, a device such as Geiger- Muller tube is used

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What ways radiation can be beneficial?

Gamma radiation can be used to sterilise food and other material, destroying bacteria. Radiation in the form of X-rays is obviously beneficial in medicine. Production of radio isotopes used in medicine is beneficial to those who can have treatment either for diagnosis or radiation therapy. Radiation sources have been used in satellites to provide small sources of electricity.

What are the advantage of radiation?

Radiation can be beneficial in diagnosis and treatment of some medical conditions, ranging from X-rays to using specific isotopes to treat cancers. Gamma radiation can be used to sterilise equipment or food by killing bacteria.

Is a toster a conduction convection or radiation?

A toaster uses radiation.

Will an infrared port pick up bluetooth?

No, infrared port uses IR radiation and bluetooth uses radio frequency radiation.

Is there any radiation from a game controller?

Pfft. No. It uses Radio Signals. Not Radiation.. Radiation is from the Sun and Microwave Signals. :)

What does conduction and convection uses that radiation does not?


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