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Anti-depressents can lead to low birth weight which carries risks such as heart problems, children Diabetes, and other health complications known by science.

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Q: What are some of the birth defects associated with antidepressants?
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Related questions

What are the various birth defects?

There are thousands of identified birth defects. Birth defects are abnormal developments present at birth that can cause physical or mental disability. Some, but not all are fatal.

Can raccoons have birth defects?

Some do. Not all.

What is Birth Effects?

To clarify, it is Birth Defects. A birth defect is an abnormality in a fetus or new born baby that changes developmental process. Such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or a Clef Pallet. Birth Defects cannot be changed, however, some can be corrected with medications or surgical procedures. Don't confuse a genetic disorder with a birth defect. Some birth defects can be from genetic disorders, but genetic disorders are not from birth defects. A whole in the heart is a birth defect, down syndrome is a genetic disorder.

What is the treatment for birth defects?

Treatment depends on the type of birth defect and how serious it is.Some abnormalities can be corrected with surgery.Experimental procedures have been used successfully in correcting some defects.

Can a male sperm cause birth defects?

Yes, there are several teratogens that can cause birth defects through male exposure. There is documented evidence that exposure to Agent Orange that was used during the Vietnam War has caused birth defects in first and second generation births. Additionally, radiation can lead to issues for many generations afterward. There are some viruses that are mutagenic and can cause defects in progeny as well.

What is a list of birth defects?

Birth defects are structural abnormalities that affect the development of organs and tissues of an infant or child. Also a health problem or physical change, which is present in a baby at the time he or she is born. Birth defects may be very mild in which the baby looks and acts like any other baby, or birth defects may be very severe, and you can immediately tell there is a problem. Some birth defects can be so severe that a baby may live only a few months or die at a young age.

What are some causes of blindness?

old age, deterioration, and birth defects are the most common.

What are some defects of our skeleton?

Clubfoot is an example of our skeleton defect that arises during birth.

Does birth control cause birth deffects?

Although there is very little evidence to prove this some doctors believe that hormonal birth control can cause birth defects.

Are all birth defects unavoidable?

No, most birth defects aren't avoidable. They are genetic abnormalities that are normally passed down to younger generations. Some passed down genetic attributes skip a generation or two.

What are some birth defects cauced by human cloning?

lung problems,heart defects,nonfunctioning immune system,kidney failure,and th list goes on....

Why do some people have mental retardation?

because some ppl are born with birth defects like mental retardation