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There are many differences between fairies and pixies. For example; fairies are said to be legendary mythical creatures with human features and are spirits of the supernatural world with magical powers. However, pixies are from the Victorian era and dress in green outfits and have pointed eyes, ears and hats and are also troublemakers and thought to kidnap children.

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Mermaids and fairies are very different. One,fairies have wings mermaids have tails. Second of all, mermaids swim and fairies fly. Third,fairies are small mermaids are as big as humans.

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No, because pixies do not exist. They are mythical creatures, also called faeries in some cultures, who can magically appear; legend says they are child-like and mischievous and they enjoy dancing, as well as causing trouble. But the only place you can see pixies is in movies or on fantasy TV shows, since pixies are not real.

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