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Because the African savanna has a very arid climate, there are less instances of fungal growth than is seen in damper areas. However, there are still instances of fungi that grow in the savanna such as turkey tail mushrooms, crimson cup fungi, and sulfur shelf fungi.

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9y ago
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13y ago

It might be the dung beetle but I'm not shore

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9y ago

Truffles, shitake mushrooms, button mushrooms, and oyster mushrooms are some of the mushrooms of the Savannah. Many of the mushrooms from the Savannah can be eaten.

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9y ago

the fungus in the savanna is mold, dead animals, and waste from savanna animlas.

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13y ago

I believe the types of bacteria that live in the savanna include moss and germs from animals.

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15y ago

mushroom style fungi

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11y ago


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Q: What are some of the fungus in the tropical savanna?
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