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Q: What are some of the human activities that cycles in the ecosystem?
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What some human activities that disrupt the ecosystem?

Pollution, taking trees down

What are some activities that distruct the ecosystem?

activities like cutting down of trees disturbs the ecosystem because it actually disturbs the life cycle of animals and consequently the human life cycle too

What are the human activities during night?

There are some human activities during the night. The human activities are sleeping, eating, drinking, washing dishes, and some other human activities.

What are the other examples of human activities that disrupt the ecosystem?

Humans are the cause of many ecosystem disruptions. Some of these disruptions include deforestation, air pollution, land pollution, water pollution, and the extinction of organisms.

What is some things human do to destroy your ecosystem?

cutting of trees

What are some human activities that don't affect Antarctica?

There really are no human activities that don't affect Antarctica.

Why humans should intervene in some ecosystems?

I believe human beings should intervene in some ecosystem, because human well-being is highly dependent on ecosystems. The ecosystems provide benefits such as food and drinkable water. Ecosystems depend on essential environmental cycles like carbon, continuous circulation of water and other nutrients.

List and describe three human activities that can make floods worse?

Floods are cause of human activities. Some of the activities are growing population, deforestation and global warming.

Which human activities pollute the atmosphere?

Various human activities pollute atmosphere. Vehicle exhaust, Industrial waste etc are some examples.

What are some activities that have caused harmful effect to the ecosystem?

Pollution while building things like roads or factories or malls. Oil spills. Excavation or digging in the middle of an ecosystem

What are the human activities which harm the ecosystem?

There are a number of particularly dangerous human activities. Burning of fossil fuels (which is to say, petroleum, coal, and methane gas) is altering the chemical makeup of the atmosphere. Many kinds of industrial waste have polluted the water, air, and soil. Irrigation of farms has caused increasing soil salinity, and cultivation of farms has increased soil erosion. Overfishing has depleted fish stocks. Those are just some of the more important activities. And also just the usual traveling by car kills the animals and affects the Chain of life which affects the ecosystem as well.