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Q: What are some of the jobs held by own elected representatives?
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What is the trem for speaker of the house?

The term served by a member of the House of Representatives is two years. A person can serve in the House of Representatives as long as that person is re-elected. Some members of the House of Representatives have served most of their political career in the House of Representatives.

Which government officials are elected every 4 years?

* State Governors * US Presidents * City Mayors

What were some of the jobs that ancient Israelites held?

Craft work and farming

How many years are the county officials elected?

No, not all state officials are elected every two years. Some elections are held annually, and some are even farther apart.

What were some jobs that Georg Cantor held?

He taught violin classes during his life.

What have you learned from some of the jobs you have held?

To answer this question make sure you focus on jobs that are similar to the one you are applying to. Your response should be direct and succinct.

What are some major differences between the jobs of senators representatives?

The House of Representatives has 435 members (based on population of state) and Congress is compposed of the Senate. Which has 100 members (2 from each state)

What are some good agriculture jobs?

Good is quite subjective, but a couple of popular agriculture jobs are sales managers, farmers, field marketers, sales representatives and human resource managers.

How many representatives are elected from each legislative district?

The number of representatives elected from each legislative district can vary depending on the size and population of the district. In some states, each legislative district may elect one representative, while in others, districts may elect multiple representatives.

What type of jobs are held in Puerto Rico?

Some are Doctors, Lawyers, Priests, Teachers, Scientists and some flip burgers.

Some states elect their representatives at-large which means?

When an elected official is "elected at large" that means that they are elected by the entire body of voters rather than by individual districts. In other words, every eligible voter in the entire state can vote on each Senator. Representatives in the House, on the other hand, are not elected at large. Individual districts within each state vote for which Congressman will represent them in the House. A voter living in district 1 cannot vote for a Representative running in district 2. There are exceptions where a state can have a congressman at-large, for example, Delaware, where the entire state votes for the representative. Because Senators are "elected at large," however, districts don't matter.