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Some examples of notable earthquakes include the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami, and the 2010 Haiti earthquake. These events caused significant damage and loss of life.

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Q: What are some of the names of earthquakes?
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What are some of the names of the previous disasters in japan?

umm.. i think tsunamis and earthquakes

Does any one know any names of earthquakes?

Earthquakes are not given names. They are usually referred to by the area in which they occur

What are the names of the earthquakes that happen in California?

The names come where the epicenter is located.

What are the names of waves caused by earthquakes?

They are called Tsunamis.

What were Poseidon's names?

His names are Poseidon,God of Sea,God of the Horses,God of Earthquakes and Neptune

What are the peoples names that studied earthquakes?

Some notable scientists who have studied earthquakes include Charles Richter, Hiroo Kanamori, and Beno Gutenberg. These individuals have made significant contributions to our understanding of seismic activity and earthquake phenomena.

What are some earthquakes called?

Some types of earthquakes are explosive,tectonic and underground.

What are the names of two earthquakes that happened after 1990?

chile quack and haiti quack

Why some states have no earthquakes?

Some states do not have earthquakes because they are not located on or near fault lines.

Are earthquakes good to the ocean?

Wow some earthquakes start in the ocean

What type of countries has earthquakes?

Everywhere on the planet suffers from earthquakes at some time. However there ares some places where earthquakes, particularly bad earthquakes, are more frequent. These places are located at continental margins.

Do you need to keep safe from earthquakes?

If one is terrified of earthquakes they are said to have Seismophobia.