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Q: What are some of the national holidays celebrated in colombia?
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Common holidays such as New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Labour Day, Remembrance Day, and Christmas Day are celebrated in France. There are also some holidays, such as Bastille Day and Whit Monday, which are less commonly celebrated in North America.

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What holidays do they celebrate in Colombia?

There are several holidays that they celebrate in Colombia. Some of them include Labor Day, Corpus Christi, Declaration of Independence and All Saints' Day among others.

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Most Brazilian holidays are not celebrated across the world. Most of the holidays of any given country are not celebrated by every country. Every country has some of their own holidays.

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My birthday.

What are some holidays that are traditionally celebrated with chocolate and flowers?

Some holidays that are traditionally celebrated with chocolate and flowers are Valentines day, Easter and Christmas. Mother's day is also another holiday typically celebrated with flowers.

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There are many celebrated holidays in Mauritius. They celebrate many common holidays such as Christmas, New Years, Labor Day, All Saints Day and Independence Day.

What are the yearly Australian holidays?

There are various holidays celebrated in Australia but some of the National public holidays include Australia Day and Anzac Day. Other yearly holidays are much the same as North America with New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.