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Q: What are some of the physical and behavioral changes that occur as drum lady and Duchess become young peregrine falcons using text evidence from frightful mountain?
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In the book My Side of the Mountain what is Sam's bird's name?

In the book "My Side of the Mountain," Sam's bird's name is Frightful. She is a peregrine falcon that Sam trains to hunt for food.

Does a peregrine falcon have an interesting nickname?

there is a book called frightful's mountain that might is by jean craighead is a really good book.exspecially for family you can look them up on google or wickipedia.

What happens in chapter 5 of the book frightfuls mountain?

In Chapter 5 of "Frightful's Mountain" by Jean Craighead George, Frightful, a peregrine falcon, learns to adapt to her new life in the wild after being released from captivity by Sam Gribley. She faces challenges such as hunting for food and avoiding other predators, but ultimately she embraces her freedom and thrives in her natural habitat.

What is the series in order for My Side of the Mountain?

The series "My Side of the Mountain" consists of three books: "My Side of the Mountain," "On the Far Side of the Mountain," and "Frightful's Mountain." The series follows the adventures of a young boy named Sam Gribley who chooses to live in the wilderness, detailing his experiences and relationships with nature.

Why was frightful named frightful in your side of the mountain?

Its because Sam had a hard time trying to catch her.

What is the genre of frightful's mountain?

realistic fiction

Sequels to on the far side of the mountain?

The next book in the series would be Frightful's Montain, and Then Frightful's Daughter

What kills falcons in Frightful Mountain?

hunters kill falcons

What is the theme of Frightful's Mountain?

The theme of "Frightful's Mountain" revolves around the idea of independence and the bond between humans and animals. It explores themes of freedom, survival, and the importance of respecting the natural world.

Where does the setting take place in Frightful's Mountain?

The setting takes place in the Catskills mountain and the state is new york

In the book your Side of the Mountain how did Sam train frightful not to eat its prey?

In "My Side of the Mountain," Sam trained Frightful not to eat her prey by introducing her to non-living bait, such as turtle eggs, to break her hunting habit. Sam also established a bond with Frightful through trust and understanding, providing her with food and companionship so she wouldn't feel the need to hunt for herself.

What is the name of the book written by Jean Craighead George with a character by the name of Jon Wood?

It is called Frightful's Mountain, and is part of the "My Side of the Mountain" trilogy.