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There are many superstitions about wasps. It is believed that if wasps build their hive low it is an indication of a hard winter with lots of storms and if they build high it will be a mild winter. It is also believed that if you are stung by a wasp this is a sign of bad luck to come.

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Q: What are some of the superstitions about wasps?
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What are superstitions or superstitions belief?

it is a saying of some persons

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Philology is kind of like learning about superstitions, it is the study of superstitions Some people say it is about stories but some stories are not superstitions so that is wrong so get it through your head STORIES is not what it means!

What are the supertitions about wasps?

Wasps have a long history with humankind and our superstitions. It was once believed that the first wasp of the season should always be killed. If you were the one to kill it you would be lucky for the coming year. More importantly you would be protected from your various enemies.

How can wasps help people?

Some wasps kill and eat bugs that are harmful to people.

Which wasps are black with red butts?

Cryptus albitarsis are black wasps with a red abdomen. They are some of the most common wasps in the Ichneumonidae family and are often referred to as ichneumon wasps.

Do wasps bite?

Wasps don't usually bite, they sting. Wasp is some cases can bite and sting at the same time.

Do you eat dead wasps when you eat a fig?

If you eat figs, you are consuming wasps, some do not make it out of the fig and die inside. You are not guaranteed to be eating wasps.

How do wasps get water?

well, some wasps, get it up the butt, where as others like it in the mouths, it really their choice.

What were some superstitions that medieval believed in?

heskey is not real

Do wasps hibernate in the ground?

Some do.

What are some parasite insects?

Wasps, wasps lay there eggs in a living animal, and the babies eat the animal from the inside out

That you should believe in superstitions?

You should not believe in Superstitions. Superstitions is the product of ignorance among people. Many superstitions are not true.