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Q: What are some of the things Galileo discovered in astronomy?
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Which was not discovered by Galileo?

Uranus was not discovered by Galileo Galilei. Some of the things that Galileo did discover was that there were four moons around Jupiter and that everything falls at the same speed.

What branch of science did Galileo Galilei study?

Some of Galileo's most significant work was in the field of kinematics, identifying that the total him (or to be written by him) were forbidden, though this latter part was not enforced. ... Galileo Galilei - major areas of study ...

Who are some of the scientist in this field of astronomy?

Stephen Hawking, Copernicus, galileo are the only ones I can think of.

Was astronomy discovered by accident or was there a need for it?

astronomy was discovered by accident and there was a little need for it because some of the ancient people needed to have time

What astronomer discovered some basic features of the moon after constructing a simple telescope?

Galileo Galilei

What are some things that are studied in astronomy?

Planets, moon, and space

What was the Catholic Church's conflict and compromise on science physics and astronomy?

The Church wasn't in opposition of science physics or astronomy (what they thought was correct anyway). As a matter of fact in order to be educated in things such as science back when the Church condemned Galileo (which I assume you are referring to). However the Church did not accept the reasoning of Galileo when it was first proposed due to several things. Some people thought that it opposed scripture. Also there was a view that circles were perfect and therefore the perfect god would have created His universe in circles. Also being that we were God's creation shouldn't we be at the center of the Universe?Of course the Church doesn't stand by the decision made with Galileo but those are some of the facts that I can remember from my teaching on the matter.

What is the topic astronomy focuses on?

Astronomy focuses on maany things. Some being stars, planets, and space.Obviously it focuses on other things but these are the one on my mind currently.

Why did some priests in the past do not want Galileo Galilee buried in the church?

Galileo Galilee held a number of views about astronomy, most significantly that the sun and planets didn't revolve around the earth, that were contrary to the Church's teachings. Because of this many saw him as a heretic.

Who was the first astrologer to make observations about the moon?

Galileo Galilei was supposedly the first, but some say that Englishman Thomas Harriot drew maps of Earth's moon a few months before Galileo discovered it.

What were some famous research or discoveries by Galileo?

Galileo discovered four of Jupiter's moons. He also discover that Saturn has rings. Also, he saw that Earth was not in the center of the solar system, and that Venus has a face like the moon.

What are some famous astronomer's?

People who made important contributions to our knowledge of astronomy include Kepler, Galileo, Bruno (Giordano Bruno), Einstein, Lemaitre, Zwicky, Hubble... And a host of others. You can find many more names, for instance, if you check the Wikipedia article on "History of astronomy".