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Here are some good tips:

  • Value conversation - have family time where cellphones and computers and TV are turned off so that you can speak together
  • Teach vocabulary - pick a new word every day that everyone in the family learns, then use it in conversation all day
  • Read as a family - read to your family, encourage everyone to read, and value the skill of reading
  • Listen - encourage your child to speak, then pay attention to what they say
  • Perform - have family time where everyone is encouraged to learn something new and explain it to the family
  • Practice - find new ways to encourage your children to develop their skills! Have them paraphrase directions out loud from recipes or how-to manuals. Ask them to explain the plot of their favorite movie or TV show. Encourage them to meet new people and talk to them. There are any number of ways you can help with this important skill.
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Q: What are some of the ways that parents can encourage the development of language skills?
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