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Opinion 1:

Paying $400 to $500 to learn how to turn debt into wealth does not seem like a good start. Nor paying $7 "shipping and handling" for a "free" intro CD.

There are many complaints about this company, the person, and his plan. The kindest one is that you are paying over $400 for six cds that only state the obvious things to reduce debt.

Paying off the higher interest debts first. That's a sample of some of the "tips" you would be paying for if you gave them your credit card info. And, from what the complainers say, probably the best tip.

Other tips involve things not very practicle, like making double mortgage payments each month. True, it will save you a lot of money in the long run, but most of us have trouble paying the mortgage once per month - let alone twice!

They are listed by the BBB as "doing business as" under EIGHT different names. They are not accredited by the BBB. According to the BBB:

"Complainants allege misrepresentation of pricing and billing terms and/or unauthorized withdrawals from customer accounts and/or difficulty returning products or obtaining return authorization on items."

In fairness, one can point out that of 283 complaints, 245 were listed as "resolved".

But best bet? Best avoided.

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Q: What are some opinions about John Commuta's 'Debt into Wealth' program?
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How do debt relief program work?

Debt relief program can help consumers get out of credit card debt, personal loan debt.medical bill debt, and other unsecured debt via debt settlement. There are a number of options available to find your situation. They are numbers of options available to find your situation. Debt negotiation, Debt settlement ,Debt consolidation are some of opportunities you can pursue. Debt relief programs have number of factors. These are:-- Solution: Having a variety of choies means they can find the right program that fits your specific needs. secondly, Cost: Dept relief program can you help to manage and pay off your debt in an easy. They reduce your monthly payment and interest rate.

How does one apply for a debt management program?

The first step to applying for a debt management program would be to find a good credit counselor. Then one should look for a licensed and accredited non-profit agency before finding out how the program works.

What is a good strategy for debt elimination?

There are many different debt elimination strategies. One strategy involves consolidating your debt into one manageable payment through a debt consolidation program. Setting a budget and sticking to it is another way to eliminate debt.

What are opinions of Wealth Masters International?

Wealth Masters International is NOT a scam. It is NOT a Multi-Level Marketing or any other pyramid selling-type of product or service. Wealth Masters International is a wholly debt-free company that provides financial education and wealth creation products to allow regular people access to money management strategies typically only available to the ultra-wealthy. With the amount of corruption and the devastating effect that this has had on individual wealth, why wouldn't you want to take control of your own finances, instead of entrusting it to someone who may or may not have a hidden agenda? WMI products start from $295, with the most popular product retailing for $2000. In addition to access to investment strategies, debt reduction and money management education, both these products contain access to a free wealth acceleration online program, which provides a comprehensive financial anaylsis, a detailed debt elimination plan which will show you how to reduce your debt in the shortest amount of time- without having to make any additional repayments. Software such as this is available for prices exceeding $3000 from Wall Street companies, but it is included free with your Mpower , or M1 product purchase. For anyone looking at a way of learning how to manage their own finances and create real wealth, these products will show you how to do so. In addition, there is a totally optional business opportunity available. Wealth Masters is a direct sales company and with commissions in the range of $1000-$9000 per sale, its consultants do not need to accrue a downline to make a significant income. This is the direct opposite of a MLM company which generally has a product that earns it's consultants a small commission therefore requiring them to constantly recruit in the hopes of making a worthwhile living.

Is debt settlement a good choice?

AnswerDebt settlement helps you in reducing your debt amount significantly, the debt settlement company negotiates with your creditors to reduce your debt amount. It is a better option than filing bankruptcy. I took help of Freedom Debt Relief and their debt reduction program helped me in reducing my debt amount.

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How do debt relief program work?

Debt relief program can help consumers get out of credit card debt, personal loan debt.medical bill debt, and other unsecured debt via debt settlement. There are a number of options available to find your situation. They are numbers of options available to find your situation. Debt negotiation, Debt settlement ,Debt consolidation are some of opportunities you can pursue. Debt relief programs have number of factors. These are:-- Solution: Having a variety of choies means they can find the right program that fits your specific needs. secondly, Cost: Dept relief program can you help to manage and pay off your debt in an easy. They reduce your monthly payment and interest rate.

What are the advantages of a debt settlement program?

The advantages of a debt settlement program are that one can potentially get their debt load reduced and pay off the balance sooner. Usually one would have to negotiate with the creditors in order to come up with an agreement for the debt settlement.

Where can one find a Canada debt relief program?

Top Consumer Reviews, Cesi Debt Solutions, Debts Settlement Inc., No More Debts, and Debt Relief are all places where a Canadian can go in order to enroll in a debt relief program.

Why were marrigaes arranged in Tudor England?

It was only rich families that arranged was a way of keeping wealth, or getting wealth.....especially if your were in debt and needed a rich wife

Where can I help my friend with his debt?

You could help him get out of debt by a few things, have him loan money, use a debt program that will supposedly take care of debt, or have him find out his credit score.

How did the opinions of the Jeffersons and Hamilton regarding the public debt differ?

The opinions of Jefferson and Hamilton about the public differed because Jefferson was more a man of the people who felt that people should not have debt, and that it only hurt them and the country as a whole. On the other hand Hamilton had a plan that depended on a certain amount of the actual public debt itself, so he did not want to get rid of it.

How the the opinions of Jefferson and hamilton regarding the public debt differ?

The opinions of Jefferson and Hamilton about the public differed because Jefferson was more a man of the people who felt that people should not have debt, and that it only hurt them and the country as a whole. On the other hand Hamilton had a plan that depended on a certain amount of the actual public debt itself, so he did not want to get rid of it.

Is there a valid debt consolidation program?

Yes, many exist.

What has the author Daniel Oks written?

Daniel Oks has written: 'Wealth effects of voluntary debt reduction in Latin America' -- subject(s): Debt equity conversion, Debt relief, Debts, External, External Debts

Is wealth calculated as the total assets minus the total debt an interval scale or a ratio scale?


Consolidate Your Debt And Spend Less?

Debt consolidation programs have become a popular way for people to reduce their overall debt while at the same time reducing their monthly debt payments. Debt consolidation programs work with a debtor's creditors so that interest rates can be reduced, and many times so the overall debt that is owed to the creditor can be reduced. A debt consolidation program helps a debtor restructure their debt repayments by consolidating them into a single payment. This type of program also helps a debtor enter into a debt repayment plan which enables the debtor to organize their financial activities and avoid defaulting on repayments. Many people join a debt consolidation program so that their creditors will stop harassing and contacting them. As soon as a debtor begins a debt consolidation program their creditors must stop contacting them. Debt consolidation programs also require their clients to enter into debt counseling which helps the debtor avoid going back into burdensome debts once they get out of the debt they are in.