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No, he is far from being a Nazi. Nazism is the extreme right wing ideology that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party espoused. On the spectrum of political beliefs, this ideology is about as far to the right as one can get. Conversely, the Communist ideology that Josef Stalin espoused is an extreme left wing ideology that is about as far to the left as one can get.

The extreme far right is afraid of the left. And the extreme far left is afraid of the right. Many times in American politics, conservatives will see anyone who is to the left of them as extreme liberals, whether they are extreme or not. It might also be said that members of the extreme left might also see any conservative as an extremist.

When President Barack Obama is painted as a Nazi, he is being painted by people who are far closer to Hitler than he could ever be - Just because his views are left of center and not right of center. The apparent purpose of those calling him Nazi is not to be correct, or even fair, but just to create anger and anxiety, preventing him from accomplishing his Presidential goals.

To call President Obama a 'Nazi' is a stretch of the word beyond all belief. Like the term 'socialist' or 'Marxist', 'Nazi' is not a term of political ideology so much as an insult in American politics: when you don't like someone, you call them a 'Nazi'.

To be clear, Nazism entails a series of commitments, such as militarism, nationalism, eugenics, dismantling of capitalism, destruction of class differences, opposition to liberalism, democracy, and conservatism, and even support for revolution. President Obama, as much as he may be disliked by sections of the U.S. society, clearly does not meet all of these requirements. Therefore, it is false that he is a Nazi.

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