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The "rich get richer" phenomenon in economics, where those who already have wealth or resources are able to accumulate more easily. In academia, the Matthew effect can be seen in successful researchers receiving more recognition and opportunities, leading to further success. In sports, star athletes may receive more endorsements and media coverage, enhancing their reputation and popularity.

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Q: What are some other examples of the Matthew effect?
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What are some examples of online survey tools for professionals?

Some examples of online survey tools for professionals include SurveyMonkey, Typeform, Google Forms, and Qualtrics. These tools offer a range of features such as customizable survey templates, data analysis tools, and options for integrating with other software applications.

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Examples of workplace socialization include orientation sessions for new employees, team-building activities, company social events, informal networking opportunities, and mentorship programs. These activities help employees get to know each other, understand the company culture, and build relationships within the organization.

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Some examples of environmental traits include temperature, humidity, altitude, soil composition, and availability of resources like water and food. These factors can significantly impact an organism's survival, reproduction, and behavior.

What are some examples of social graces in the restaurant?

Some examples of social graces in the restaurant include saying “please” and “thank you” to the waitstaff, chewing with your mouth closed, using utensils properly, not talking with your mouth full, and showing gratitude for the meal and service.

What countries are located inside of other countries?

Some examples of countries located inside of other countries include Lesotho, which is completely surrounded by South Africa, and San Marino and Vatican City, which are both enclaved within Italy.

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