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Speed, crank, uppers, bennies, Xtasy, X, and I'm sure there are many others.

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Q: What are some other names for stimulants?
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What are other names for amphetamine?

Some slang terms for amphetamines are bennies, uppers, whiz, lid proppers, rippers, and speed. Amphetamines are drugs that are stimulants.

What are the names of chemical stimulants?

See this link.

Want are the names of classes of drugs?

hallucinogen's, depressants and stimulants

What are the names of some sports where stimulants are used by athletes?

th babseball team call the mets and the football team call the dolphins

Where did stimulants originate?

Stimulants did not originate from anywhere specifically , as i have found out through extensive research . some come from the streets , pharmacies , and other places of that matter (:

What are some other names of cocaine?

Some other names for Cocaine are: Blow, Bump, Coke

What are some natural hair stimulants?

Some Natural hair stimulants would be curly,wavey,and strait. I have strait hair and to tell you the truth I'm not really a big fan of it. === ===

Are stimulants natural?

Some are natural, and some are not. The natural kinds are based on herbs and similar things found in nature. The artificial stimulants are not beneficial to the body over long-term.

Are depressants more dangerous than stimulants?

Most types of alcohol are depressants while most drugs are stimulants. It is generally believed that depressants are not more dangerous than stimulants and that it is, in fact, the other way around.

What are some illegal stimulants?

cocaine crystal meth crack

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Are antibiotics stimulants?

No, antibiotics are not stimulants.