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American English synonyms for language, related words for language and other words for language by Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus.

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Looking and Listening for familiar words in it

What are words that are similar in meaning to each other known as?

Synonyms are words with similar meanings.

What are some other words for the word 'unconscious'?

All these words have slightly different shades of meaning, but oblivious and comatose are similar in meaning to unconcscious.

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Japanese and Korean share some grammatical similarities, and some words. Other than this, they are quite different.

What is involved to make a synonym chain?

Linking words that are similar in meaning.

What is a similar word to rectangle?

Some words and synonyms similar to rectangle:FigureOblongParallelogramPlaneShapeSquare

What are some other words that mean the same thing as the word flaunt?

There are many words that mean the same thing as flaunt and can easily be found through a Thesaurus. Some words that are similar are boast, advertise, broadcast and display.

What are some words that mean Same?

alike, similar...

What words are similar in meaning to strategic?

Some other words that are similar in meaning to strategic are: calculated decisive imperative key deliberate diplomatic politic cunning clever planned crucial necessary conniving contriving dexterous conciliatory crafty

What are some comparing words?

Well in my case some comparing words are same, alike, just as, similar, both.

A book in which words are put into groups with other words that have a similar meaning?

It is known as a dictionary.

What are other words to use in place of education?

There are many words similar to education. Some words like training, academics, courses, schooling, and course of study are examples of words that can be used instead of education.