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Q: What are some personality traits of J Robert Oppenheimer?
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What kind of scientist was robert j oppenheimer?

Robert J. Oppenheimer was a theoretical physicist. Some interesting facts about him include that he worked on theories involving positrons and electrons. He was a part of the Atomic Energy Commission as well.

Did scientist J Robert Oppenheimer led the effort to develop the first atomic bomb?

Robert Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project engineers test the bomb in the desert of New Mexico. It was an area called Trinity. It was near Alamogordo. Some of the city people could see the bomb mushroom a hundred miles away. Oppenheimer was disturbed by what he saw when Gadget was dropped.

J Robert Oppenheimer opinions of atomic bomb?

J. Robert Oppenheimer is not really the only "father" of the atomic bomb. Although his research and discoveries were significant, the bomb could have been invented in about the same time if he had not been part of the Manhattan Project. His fellow scientists remembered him as a visionary and capable leader at Los Alamos, while his security hearing brought to light foolish mistakes in judgment and human relationships. J. Robert Oppenheimer led the scientific efforts which produced the first atomic bomb for the United States, in 1945. Despite his brilliant achievements at the Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer's misgivings about atomic weaponry in general led to his isolation from government weapons research in the years following the war. After witnessing the first test at Trinity, Oppenheimer wrote that some laughed, some cried, and through his mind floated a line from the Bhagavadgita: "I am become death: the destroyer of worlds." His ambivalance towards the use of science for military ends led to his opposition to the development of a hydrogen bomb after the war. Unfortunately for him, the Soviet Union exploded its own atomic weapon in 1948, creating tremendous pressure for the US to develop the even larger fusion weapon.

Why did the government investigate Robert J Oppenheimer?

It's pretty convoluted, but the short answer is that they thought he might be a Soviet spy. Oppenheimer had, when younger, had some friends and acquaintances who were communists. He had drifted apart from most of these, but was still on fairly good terms with at least one of them. A Soviet agent approached his friend, and that friend spoke with Oppenheimer about it. Very briefly and casually; it was something along the lines of "So-and-so was wondering if there anything you can do to make sure the Soviets are kept in the loop, perhaps unofficially?" and Oppenheimer's response was something along the lines of "No, that's not how to do these things." The problem was that when Oppenheimer reported this to his superiors, he didn't report it accurately and tried to hide his own involvement and that of his friend. He just said that "some people" had been approached on behalf of the Soviets. So the US started a big spy hunt for these Soviet agents, and Oppenheimer's responses to their questions weren't adding up. In fact, he wound up making things a lot worse for his friend than was actually justified, because the Government already suspected both Oppenheimer and his friend based on their (known) past association with communists, and Oppenheimer trying to cover it up made it look as if their involvement had been much more sinister than it really was.

What are some charactitistic traits?

Traits are anything about an organism. They can be physical traits like color and size and blood type, or they can by internal traits like courage and honesty and loyalty.

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What kind of scientist was robert j oppenheimer?

Robert J. Oppenheimer was a theoretical physicist. Some interesting facts about him include that he worked on theories involving positrons and electrons. He was a part of the Atomic Energy Commission as well.

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Did scientist J Robert Oppenheimer led the effort to develop the first atomic bomb?

Robert Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project engineers test the bomb in the desert of New Mexico. It was an area called Trinity. It was near Alamogordo. Some of the city people could see the bomb mushroom a hundred miles away. Oppenheimer was disturbed by what he saw when Gadget was dropped.

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