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they are helping us go green.p;us more add in your answer.

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Q: What are some positive effects of windmills to generate energy?
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Related questions

Why do you build windmills in the Netherlands?

They build windmills to generate 'clean and ecofriendly' energy.

How does windmills relate to energy and effects?

windmills spin causing movement and a mechanism harvests the movement and turns it into energy.

Application of wind energy?

Windmills are used to drive generators and generate electricity.

Does wind energy create pollution?

no because the wind spinds the windmills which then generate power

Do windmills blow?

No. Windmills have their blades angled in such a way as to catch moving air or wind. When the wind hits the blades it pushes them and they spin, which then gets other gears of the windmill turning, which then generate energy for whatever it is they need that energy to do. So the windmills themselves do not make wind or "blow".

How will wind be used in 2138?

energy in the form of electricity is generate using windmills for this propose wind farms have been established.

What are the positive aspects of windpower?

Instead of using electric energy we use windmills that help the environment.

Positive and negative effects of chemical energy?


What energy is used in windmills?

Windmills use wind energy.

What is the defintion of wind energy?

Electricity derived from wind action. So windmills or wind turbines which rotate when there is wind present generate electricity.

What causes positive energy balance and what are the effects of positive energy balance?

Positive energy balance is when energy intake exceeds expenditure weight is gained

How do older windmills and new windmills differ?

older windmills make more energy than newer windmills