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This excessive sweating is called hyperhydrosis and the causes of this may can be some medications and manly starts in the teenage years. But often there aren't any reasons for this sweating.

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Q: What are some possible reasons why one might experience excessive facial sweating?
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What is a cause of excessive sweating?

There are many reasons for excessive sweating and to know for sure you should check with a doctor. Some of the reasons could be: illness, fever, anxiety and stress, or overexercising. Check with your health care provider if you are suffering!

When does excessive sweating occur?

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, can occur due to various reasons such as stress, anxiety, hormonal changes, certain medical conditions, or as a side effect of medication. It can happen both in specific areas like the underarms, palms, or soles of the feet, or can be generalized across the body. If excessive sweating is interfering with your daily life, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment options.

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Sweating too much will not kill but it will cause dehydration that may kill if not enough water is being replenished. Heavy sweating can cause major social and personal problems to your life. If you are sweating alot for no particular reasons, you may be suffering from a medical problem termed hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

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Night sweating can represent a medical issue. It's a symptom that often occurs in Diabetes. It can also be related to various types of cancers. If you are experiencing night sweats, it is recommended that you see your doctor.

Can a person sweat uncontrollable because of stress?

stress hormones can make you sweat more when ur under pressure, but there may be other reasons, especially if you find the sweating excessive or if you have started sweating a lot suddenly and for no apparant reason. If it's affecting your life you can see your gp about it, it could be a symptom of other things and probably best to get it checked out.

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Stress, environmental changes, moving to a new place, unhealthy eating habits, excessive exercise, pregnancy.....the list of possible reasons is a long one.

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There could be many reasons for dehydration. Insufficient intake of fluids. Overheating of the body internally (having a fever). Excessive exercise without fluid replacement (drinking water). Excessive sweating.

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There are quite a few medical reasons for such a thing. One possible solutions for a female experience pain in her breast is pregnancy. Another more serious possibility is a growing tumor and should be dealt with promptly.

How to stop sweating?

Excessive sweating can be caused by a medical condition known as hyperhidrosis, it is quiet common (2% of people suffer from it). There are a few remedies for the condition; botox® injections, high strength anti-perspirants (AHC20 sensitive) and surgical procedures just to name a few.Try everything you can!On an side note: Most people think that sweating is healthy and important for the temperature regulation of the body. They're right, of course, but some people are sweating so much, it really affects their daily and social life in the most negative way. Psychological problems like feelings of shame, anxiety, social retreat or depression can occur. Other behaviours, for example the avoidance of handshakes (with palmar sweating), can be emphasized by hyperhidrosis. As excessive sweating usually starts at puberty, affected people should seek help a.s.a.p. - before psychological problems get permanent!Starting with gentle antiperspirants they can reduce their sweating to a normal level. Guidebooks and informations will help to live with the conditions. Dermatologists and doctors can try to find inner reasons (like hidden inflammations) which might cause the hyperhidrosis.Important sources:A natural remedy which has had great success and received wide spread praise can be found here: antiperspirants like AHC20 sensitive will stop excessive sweating without skin irritations (no stinging or itching): http//www.sweatrelief.infoThe International Hyperhidrosis Society has a lot of information about severe sweating, especially informations for teenagers: for the basic facts:

How do you stop windows sweating?

There are dozens of potential remedies for excessive sweating. Generally people start by trying a prescription antiperspirant. These typically contain higher concentrations of aluminum, a metallic compound which is widely used in antiperspirants. Next comes the oral and topical treatments. There are several prescription medications such as anticholinerginics and beta-blockers that have been useful in stopping sweat. Pain killers, anti-anxiety, and anti-depressants have also been effective also for "psychological sweaters"--those whose sweating is exacerbated for social or mental reasons. Botox injections have become a popular way to stop excessive underarm sweat recently. It works by paralyzing the glands to stop sweating entirely. Botox has a success rate of over 90%, but it's expensive, painful, and temporary. The last resort for many is having a surgery performed to end the excessive sweating. There are a few different types of surgeries and new ones being created and used. Some of the more popular ones are liposuction, endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS), and retrodermal curettage. Way more people suffer from excessive sweating than we think. There is a growing interest in the mysterious condition, and research going into it. Some mind-body approaches and eastern techniques are becoming more popular such as hypnosis, imagery, and acupuncture.

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