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Corrosion from certain chemicals and direct flame damage otherwise its pretty universally used in new home construction - It is NOT used in central heating

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Q: What are some problems with the use of PVC pipes?
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Can PVC use for water pipes?

yes it can use

Why do you use PVC pipes instead of iron pipes?

These days PVC pipes are faster and easier to fit and in many ways more efficient than cast iron.

What can you use as replacement to lead pipes?

PVC -- or ABS --

What material use in PVC pipes?

Poly vinyl chloride

Can you use PVC electrical conduit in an industrial kitchen?

can you used pvc pipes in a commerical business kitchen

Is there any alternative to expensive copper pipes for plumbing?

You can use pvc pipes in some applications,but copper is far better for household uses.It's not that expensive when you consider how well it does the job.

What material is best when making a homemade windmill?

For the base, use PVC pipes.

How do you calculate volume per meter of PVC pipes?

Use the formula for a cylinder.

Can you use PVC for pool slide legs?

I believe you can use polyvinyl chloride, more commonly called PVC, as the legs to a pool slide only if the PVC is solid not hollow like the pipes that PVC is commonly used for. If you cannot get solid PVC rods, then stick to stainless steel.

Is it better to use copper for pipes or PVC?

`It is much better to use copper. PVC is much less expensive, and you may be at higher risk for robbery if you use copper, but it lasts longer and is more reliable.

What does DMV on PVC pipe stand for?

You are mistaken, - Many PVC pipes are marked DWV ( not DMV ) This is an acronym for Drain, Waste, Vent. -These pipes are not suitable for high pressure usage and this marking means they are only intended for light use.

What kind of glue is used to glue hot water PVC pipe?

There are many solvent glues that have been specifically formulated for use with different plastic pipes. Depending on the schedule of the piping 40, 80 etc what type of glue you want to use, some are slow setting some set very quickly and the choice of the glue also would depend on the ambient temperature and humidity factor. It also depends on whether you want to use the glue for waste or water. Water PVC pipes need high pressure glue where as waste pipes don't.