

What are some real-life situations invitro fertilization?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What are some real-life situations invitro fertilization?
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No. Do not worry about it, ghosts are not real because they are just made up. In reallife, there are no such things as ghosts but some people believe in ghost and some don't. This is quite true, ghosts are not in reallife because of that you watch scary movies or read scary stories doesn't mean that ghosts are real. They are just made up for fun.

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It is quite common now-a days to see gay couples of both gender to have children. Females generally use invitro fertilization and males use adoption or a surrogate mother in order to ensure the child carries some of their genes and is truly a biologic child of the couple.

How does water aid the fertilization of some organisms?

Depending on the species, fertilization can occur internally or externally. Water aids the fertilization of some organisms because organisms that reproduce externally need water for fertilization to occur.

Do vetebrates have internal fertilization?

Some do, some don't.

Is there external fertilization with live birth in fish?

In some species there is external fertilization. In other species there is live birth. Live birth requires internal fertilization.

What are the some disadvantages of external fertilization?

It depends. Are you talking about humans? 8D Humans use internal fertilization but the disadvantages in external fertilization is that a small number of eggs survive.

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Some possible rhymes for over fertilization include fragmentation, anticipation, and justification.

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Prostate cancer itself does not cause infertility, but rather the removal of the prostate gland can effect a male's ability to father a child naturally. He can still father a child via Invitro Fertilization. Medical research has shown that Infertility can increase the chances of developing prostate cancer.

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In some situations, they can be. In some situations, the shotgun may be the better option.

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Is osteichthyes a internal or external fertilization?

An ostrich lays eggs after the mating ritual. Therefore, the fertilization process is internal.