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Your driving in a straight line at a constant velocity in a car. You do not feel any force acting on you. When you go around a corner you feel a force pushing outwards. Yes this is centrifical force but there really isn't such thing. It's called Inertia. Scientists just needed a name for the opposite of centripetal force.

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Q: What are some really really good exmple of the first law of motion by Isaac Newton?
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Isaac Newton introduced the 3 laws of motion.

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Isaac Newton is famous for his 3 Laws of Motion.

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Sir Isaac Newton came up with the Three Laws of Motion

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Isaac Newton described three laws of motion.

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It was Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), English mathematician and physicist, who set down the laws of motion.

Who discovered laws of motion?

Sir Isaac Newton is credited with discovering the laws of motion. These laws, known as Newton's laws of motion, describe the relationship between the motion of an object and the forces acting on it.

Who discover newtons law of motion?

Isaac Newton, he discovered: -Newton's First Law of motion. -Newton's Second Law of motion. -Newton's Third Law of motion.

What is the appliatiom for newton law?

The application for Newton's law is motion. There are several laws of motion that were defined by Isaac Newton.

Is Isaac Newton's full name Lawrence Isaac Newton James?

he was a very famous scientist who invented the 3 laws of motion