

What are some reasons as to why dolphins are so violent?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Dolphins are hardly violent at all; they are often known to be quite passive and prepared to befriend people. They can get aggressive when necesary to defend themselves, but this is to be expected of any species.

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Q: What are some reasons as to why dolphins are so violent?
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Yes. You can't "prove" they ARE NOT violent, but there is a chance to prove they ARE. Here's a way. Assume that you are a scientist. Your first task is to define "violent." What specific behaviors would you be looking for? Does your definition change depending on whether the dolphins are in captivity or in the wild? Would it be enough to show just one dolphin acting in a violent way or would you need to see the behaviors many times & if so how many? Second task: design an experiment or observational protocol: Would you passively observe the dolphins or actively interact with them in some way? If you interact, is what you would be doing ethical? If the answer is no, hopefully you would redesign your protocol. If the answer is yes, ask yourself how many times you need to repeat the experiment to be satisfied that you have an answer? Another question is what behavior would you have to see to show that dolphins are violent? Now get funding and run the experiment or perform the observations. In the course of your observations, you will either see violent behavior or you won't. If you never see violent behavior, it does not prove that dolphins are NOT violent, because there is always the possibility that the next observation would have showed dolphins behaving violently. This is true no matter how many times you run the experiment. This is why scientists say "you can't prove a negative." However, if you do observe violent behavior, you will have proved that dolphins are violent. A cheaper way to do prove it (to yourself) is to read up on the observations of other scientists and observers and see if you spot descriptions of "violent" behavior.

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