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If they have it or suspect they have it, they are probably fearful of the potential fate headed their way. They fail to realize, however, that by educating themselves on what they might or do have or someone else they care for may or do have, t

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Q: What are some reasons why someone wouldn't want to be educated about aids?
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Can you get aids from someone with out aids?


Why would someone need to buy hearing aids?

There are many reasons why one would need to buy hearing aids. One might need to buy hearing aids because they have trouble hearing due to their old age.

What local resources are available to someone with AIDS?

What local resourcces are available to someone with AIDS?

Can someone get aids if they kisss a personwho has aids?


Can you catch aids from someone who dont have it?

You can't catch AIDS.

To get aids do you have to get it from someone who has it?

That is correct; you must get it from someone who has it.

Where can one find aids information?

AIDS has become a very dangerous epidemic around the entire globe, and everyone should be informed and educated about AIDS. One can find information on AIDS at the US government's website Aids, the AIDS organization website AIDS, or by also speaking with a health physician or visiting a clinic such as Planned Parenthood.

Can you have aids from someone if you just eat from the same spoon?

no you cant get aids

If someone touches the aids infected undergarments does he catch aids?

No, not likely.

Can you get AIDS from eating the flesh of someone infected with AIDS?

Yes you certainly can.

Why would someone not want to be educated about aids?

This is sad, but people are still ignorant about AIDS because of the stigma attached to it. It is important to know about AIDS, because having knowledge will only prevent this from spreading. AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) produced by HIV (virus) mainly transmitted during un-protected sex with affected partner, other routes of transmission - infected needles,razors,syringes, etc.

What does it feel like being told that you have aids?

I would imagine it to be very heart breaking. I have friends who have aids .. It ruined their lives .. Its a scary thing to deal with. Thats why you have to be careful.. You can catch aids many ways : from kissing someone with aids.. Even a child can get aids if they drink breast milk from someone with aids.. And of course having sex with someone with aids will leave you doubtful and regretful .